jdk8-b32: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Mar 27 16:10:30 PDT 2012



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
7150126 java build            Blacklist MissionControlMXBean
7151898 java build            Check for LANG in Mac OS X jdk build sanity check [macosx]
7151427 java classes_2d       Potential memory leak  in error handling code in X11SurfaceD
7128738 java classes_awt      dragged dialog freezes system on dispose
7150345 java classes_awt      [macosx] Can't type into applets at allstarpuzzles.com
7150349 java classes_awt      [macosx] Applets attempting to show popup menus activate the
7074616 java classes_manageme java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getPlatformManagement
7152798 java classes_manageme TEST_BUG: sun/management/HotspotClassLoadingMBean/GetClassLo
7045655 java classes_net      An empty InMemoryCookieStore should not return true for remo
7152796 java classes_net      TEST_BUG: java/net/Socks/SocksV4Test.java does not terminate
7152948 java classes_nio      (dc) DatagramDispatcher.c should memset msghdr to make it po
7151068 java classes_security OCSPUnitTest not working
7152176 java classes_security More krb5 tests
7153343 java classes_security Dependency on non-POSIX header file <link.h> causes portabil
7027139 java classes_swing    getFirstIndex() does not return the first index that has cha
7144063 java classes_swing    [macosx] Swing JMenu mnemonic doesn't work; hint misleading;
7145454 java classes_util_i18 JVM wide monitor lock in Currency.getInstance(String)
7146792 java classes_util_i18 closed/java/util/TimeZone/CheckTzdataVersion.sh failing on W
7149608 java classes_util_i18 (tz): Default TZ detection fails on linux when symbolic link
7150368 java compiler         javac should include basic ability to generate native header
7150784 java compiler         bad copyright date in file
7148584 java jar              Jar tools fails to generate manifest correctly when boundary
7134787 java jfr              Refactor classes in oracle.jrockit.jfr.util.* into oracle.jf
7152866 java other            Tests not run because they are missing the @run tag
7152007 java rmi              Fix warnings in sun/rmi/rmic
7154113 java serviceability   jcmd, jps and jstat tests failing when there are unknown Jav
7154114 java serviceability   jstat tests failing on non-english locales
7145419 java test             com/sun/jdi/JdbMethodExitTest.sh fails when a background thr
7146728 jce  other            Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key ag
7130959 jce  pkcs11_csp       Tweak 7058133 fix for JDK 8 (javah makefile changes)

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