First build-infra push to jdk8 -- try out the new build system!
Erik Trimble
trims at
Mon May 14 20:04:25 PDT 2012
On 5/14/2012 9:50 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> On May 14, 2012, at 2:49 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>> On 2012-04-13 16:46, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> On 04/13/2012 02:07 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>>> As for the --with-num-cores, yes, it is a configure time option. The underlying assumption is that your hardware doesn't really change, and if your build system is too weak, it will be too weak at configure time and at all make times. With that said, it is always possible (and not very hard) to re-run configure if you need to tweak such a parameter.
>>> As a developer, my machoine may not change, but my expectations may. Sometimes I want a build to run in the background while I pursue other activities, whether tetris, browsing, or working on the next bug fix. Other times, I need the build ASAP. So while your underlying assumption is good for batch build systems, it may not always be true on developer machines.
>> We have now implemented the possibitlity to override the default parallelism using the standard make -j option. In short, if you just type "make" you will be using the number of cores detected by (or explicitely configured in) configure, which will make the default build be as fast as possible.
> The only issue I have seen with this involves systems with lots of processors, but not enough disk, or swap, or ram capacity to
> back up that many C++ compilations at the same time.
> Historically this 'what's the best make -j N' setting has been difficult with all the different systems out there.
> I have seen builds go faster with -j 16 than with -j 32 on a 64 processor machine, simply because of the disk contention.
> To make matters more complicated, the systems are getting faster all around, so many of my measurements of the past
> don't make much sense.
> So I would say, use the default until it becomes too painful to use it (the system starts to lockup), then back it down
> to a comfortable setting. In other words, you may need to play with it on some systems.
> -kto
Yes, what Kelly said: you really don't want to have the build process
"auto-determine" what the level of parallelism to use, or any other
assumption (including generalizations by humans) method, if you really
care about system performance or usability.
A classic example was the T1 and T2 Sun hardware. If we crammed enough
RAM into the system to build in a ramdisk, I could run up around -j 32
and see the system scale well. If I was trying to build on the local
disks, -j 8 was more than enough to stop seeing any added benefit. -j
12 or so was possible with a SAN disk array. I ran into similar issues
with the NUMA-style architecture of the X4600 machines, where even
builds in RAM could be hurt by critical components being built on the P6
and P7 processors (those with the largest latency to the P0 CPU).
Having the -j option is a big Win, since you really, really do need to
tune it for the type of system you have. There's just no decent
heuristics to make a good auto-guess, other than having the system run a
whole bunch of system-level benchmarking beforehand, and that's a lot of
work for no good return.
You should also consider the actual CPU design architecture if you
really care about performance (which, frankly, only those running build
farms should care about). Certain CPUs are very good/poor at context
switching, and cache amounts/designs can make certain parallelisms
better than others (i.e. most SPARC hardware is pretty good at context
switches, while the hyperthread-enabled Intel systems not so much).
Decisions like this also matter when considering build hardware for
purchase - in general, sufficient RAM to build in a tmpfs (or ramdisk)
is more important than extra CPU cores. Similarly, building off a SSD
while writing temp files to a small RAMDisk will generally be better
than having to write to hard drive or SSD. I'd have to look up my old
assumptions, but memory seems to say that 2-4GB of usable RAM was enough
to build the JDK in for any number of -j N threads; add requirements for
a RAMdisk, possible diskcaching, and the like on top of that.
iostat and vmstat (or equivalent) are your friends when evaluating what
-j number to use.
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