jdk8-b66: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Nov 27 12:28:53 PST 2012



Component : i18n
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 11/20/2012 at 22:05
Tested By : Yong Huang
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk
Bundles   : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2012-11-20-195328.jcg-int.tl-pit-2d-awt/link-to-jprt-build/bundles
Platforms : 
win server2003 AMD(64OS)(32jdk), -d64/-server

Tests     : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2012-11-20-195328.jcg-int.tl-pit-2d-awt/link-to-jprt-build/bundles
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : N/A
Number of Tests Executed : 1 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass: 
7199750: Loading sequence of service provider is changed

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes): 

 Tested, Fail: 

 Untested bug fixes:
    Setup is not available: 
    Build change only: 

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build: 

    Bugs in earlier promoted build: 

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b67

Issues and Notes:
>From Yong Huang

Component: 2d
Status: GO

All the remaining fixes will be tested during promotion.

List of all fixes:
JDK-8003333   client-libs     Regression: java/beans/EventHandler/Test6277266.java fails with ACE
JDK-7147408   client-libs     [macosx] Add autodelay to fix a regression test
JDK-7105461   client-libs     Large JTables are not rendered correctly with sun.java2d.xrender=True
JDK-6789984   client-libs     JPasswordField can not receive keyboard input
JDK-8003518   core-libs       (prefs) Tests in jdk/test/java/util/prefs should not be run concurrently
JDK-8003285   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Unbounded.java fails again [mac]
JDK-8003263   core-libs       redundant cast build failure after 8003120
JDK-8003253   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Unbounded.java hang intermittently [win]
JDK-8000986   core-libs       Split java.util.spi.CalendarDataProvider into week parameters and field names portions
JDK-7199750   core-libs       Loading sequence of service provider is changed
JDK-7198904   core-libs       (alt-rt) TreeMap.clone is broken
JDK-7178922   core-libs       (props) re-visit how os.name is determined on Mac
JDK-7088952   core-libs       Add "BYTES" constant to primitive wrapper classes
JDK-7088913   core-libs       Add compatible static hashCode(primitive) to primitive wrapper classes
JDK-6244047   core-libs       impossible to specify directories to logging FileHandler unless they exist
JDK-8002304   docs            Group methods by types in methods summary section
JDK-8003357   infrastructure  Add support for jtreg -concurrency to langtools/test/Makefile.
JDK-8003607   other-libs      More ProblemList.txt updates (11/2012)
JDK-8003587   security-libs   Warning cleanup in package javax.net.ssl
JDK-8002344   security-libs   Krb5LoginModule config class does not return proper KDC list from DNS
JDK-8000476   security-libs   Memory Leaks and uninitialized memory access in PKCS11 and other native code
JDK-8003663   tools           lambda test fails on Windows
JDK-8003660   tools           (launcher) 8001533 regression tests
JDK-8003655   tools           Add javac.jvm.ClassFile.V52
JDK-8003650   tools           java.lang.Exception: expected string not found: pkg/package-frame.html
JDK-8003649   tools           regression/langtools: tools/javac/doctree
JDK-8003639   tools           convert lambda testng tests to jtreg and add them
JDK-8003412   tools           javac needs to understand java.lang.annotation.Native
JDK-8003306   tools           Compiler crash: Calculation of inner class access broken due to incorrect hasTag conversion
JDK-8003299   tools           Cleanup javac Log support for deferred diagnostics
JDK-8003280   tools           Add lambda tests
JDK-8003257   tools           refactor javadoc tool option handling
JDK-8002079   tools           update DocFile to use a JavaFileManager
JDK-8001533   tools           java launcher must launch javafx applications
JDK-8001098   tools           Provide a simple light-weight "plug-in" mechanism for javac
JDK-8000800   tools           javadoc uses static non-final fields
JDK-8000404   tools           rename javax.tools.GenerateNativeHeader to java.lang.annotation.Native
JDK-7201156   tools           jar tool fails to convert file separation characters for list and extract
JDK-7021614   tools           extend com.sun.source API to support parsing javadoc comments
JDK-6493690   tools           javadoc should have a javax.tools.Tool service provider installed in tools.jar
JDK-8003239   xml             Intermittent test failure - port in use
JDK-7182467   xml             TEST_BUG: Regression test Bug7157609Test.java doesn't support Mac OS X

List of all fixes:
JDK-8003333   client-libs     Regression: java/beans/EventHandler/Test6277266.java fails with ACE
JDK-7147408   client-libs     [macosx] Add autodelay to fix a regression test
JDK-7105461   client-libs     Large JTables are not rendered correctly with sun.java2d.xrender=True
JDK-6789984   client-libs     JPasswordField can not receive keyboard input
JDK-8003518   core-libs       (prefs) Tests in jdk/test/java/util/prefs should not be run concurrently
JDK-8003285   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Unbounded.java fails again [mac]
JDK-8003263   core-libs       redundant cast build failure after 8003120
JDK-8003253   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Unbounded.java hang intermittently [win]
JDK-8000986   core-libs       Split java.util.spi.CalendarDataProvider into week parameters and field names portions
JDK-7199750   core-libs       Loading sequence of service provider is changed
JDK-7198904   core-libs       (alt-rt) TreeMap.clone is broken
JDK-7178922   core-libs       (props) re-visit how os.name is determined on Mac
JDK-7088952   core-libs       Add "BYTES" constant to primitive wrapper classes
JDK-7088913   core-libs       Add compatible static hashCode(primitive) to primitive wrapper classes
JDK-6244047   core-libs       impossible to specify directories to logging FileHandler unless they exist
JDK-8002304   docs            Group methods by types in methods summary section
JDK-8003357   infrastructure  Add support for jtreg -concurrency to langtools/test/Makefile.
JDK-8003607   other-libs      More ProblemList.txt updates (11/2012)
JDK-8003587   security-libs   Warning cleanup in package javax.net.ssl
JDK-8002344   security-libs   Krb5LoginModule config class does not return proper KDC list from DNS
JDK-8000476   security-libs   Memory Leaks and uninitialized memory access in PKCS11 and other native code
JDK-8003663   tools           lambda test fails on Windows
JDK-8003660   tools           (launcher) 8001533 regression tests
JDK-8003655   tools           Add javac.jvm.ClassFile.V52
JDK-8003650   tools           java.lang.Exception: expected string not found: pkg/package-frame.html
JDK-8003649   tools           regression/langtools: tools/javac/doctree
JDK-8003639   tools           convert lambda testng tests to jtreg and add them
JDK-8003412   tools           javac needs to understand java.lang.annotation.Native
JDK-8003306   tools           Compiler crash: Calculation of inner class access broken due to incorrect hasTag conversion
JDK-8003299   tools           Cleanup javac Log support for deferred diagnostics
JDK-8003280   tools           Add lambda tests
JDK-8003257   tools           refactor javadoc tool option handling
JDK-8002079   tools           update DocFile to use a JavaFileManager
JDK-8001533   tools           java launcher must launch javafx applications
JDK-8001098   tools           Provide a simple light-weight "plug-in" mechanism for javac
JDK-8000800   tools           javadoc uses static non-final fields
JDK-8000404   tools           rename javax.tools.GenerateNativeHeader to java.lang.annotation.Native
JDK-7201156   tools           jar tool fails to convert file separation characters for list and extract
JDK-7021614   tools           extend com.sun.source API to support parsing javadoc comments
JDK-6493690   tools           javadoc should have a javax.tools.Tool service provider installed in tools.jar
JDK-8003239   xml             Intermittent test failure - port in use
JDK-7182467   xml             TEST_BUG: Regression test Bug7157609Test.java doesn't support Mac OS X

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