jdk8-b84: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Apr 2 11:03:23 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8009881   client-libs     TEST_BUG: javax/swing/JTree/8004298/bug8004298.java should be modified
JDK-8009880   client-libs     TEST_BUG: Test java/beans/Introspector/TestTypeResolver.java should be modified again
JDK-8009221   client-libs     [macosx] Two closed/javax/swing regression tests fail on MacOSX.
JDK-8007146   client-libs     [macosx] Setting a display mode crashes JDK under VNC
JDK-8000435   client-libs     [macosx] Button painting error under Java 7 on Mac
JDK-7123476   client-libs     DesktopOpenTests:When enter the file path and click the open button,it crash
JDK-6550588   client-libs     java.awt.Desktop cannot open file with Windows UNC filename
JDK-8010720   core-libs       Linkage problem with java.lang.String.length()
JDK-8010710   core-libs       Code generation problem with slots/scope
JDK-8010709   core-libs       org on the top level doesn't resolve
JDK-8010706   core-libs       System variables -> nashorn parameters
JDK-8010704   core-libs       The test  closed/java/lang/SecurityManager/CheckPackageDefinition.java failed after fix for 8009869
JDK-8010668   core-libs       builtin JNI libraries should not be unloaded
JDK-8010652   core-libs       Eliminate non-child references in Block/FunctionNode, and make few node types immutable
JDK-8010427   core-libs       Refine Method.isDefault implementation
JDK-8010364   core-libs       Clarify javax.lang.model API for Type Annotations
JDK-8010282   core-libs       sun.net.www.protocol.jar.JarFileFactory.close(JarFile) should be thread-safe
JDK-8010199   core-libs       javax.script.Invocable implementation for nashorn does not return null when matching functions are missing
JDK-8010147   core-libs       Expected files missing for nashorn lazy/eager jit tests
JDK-8010145   core-libs       removed workaround "init.js" in nashorn repo
JDK-8010136   core-libs       Make jrunscript's init.js to work on nashorn
JDK-8009982   core-libs       needsCallee problem with lazy compilation
JDK-8009969   core-libs       CodeCoverage should use template
JDK-8009869   core-libs       Need to modify java.security property package.access to include nashorn packages
JDK-8009868   core-libs       For loop with "true" as condition results in AssertionError in codegen
JDK-8009757   core-libs       Package access clean up and refactoring
JDK-8009751   core-libs       (se) Selector spin when select, close and interestOps(0) invoked at same time (lnx)
JDK-8009718   core-libs       Lazy execution architecture iteration 2
JDK-8009650   core-libs       HttpClient available() check throws SocketException when connection has been closed
JDK-8009275   core-libs       closed/java/util/jar/JarFile/CorruptEntry.java failing (win)
JDK-8009251   core-libs       Add proxy handling and keep-alive fixes to jsse
JDK-8009222   core-libs       java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: not invocable, no method type when attempting to get getter method handle for a static field
JDK-8008576   core-libs       Calendar mismatch using Host LocaleProviderAdapter
JDK-8008425   core-libs       Remove interim new javax.lang.model API for type-annotations
JDK-8007803   core-libs       Implement javax.lang.model API for Type Annotations
JDK-8006193   core-libs       (process) Clean-up java.lang.ProcessImpl.finalize, does not need to be public
JDK-8006104   core-libs       Improve tests to test ".useParentHandlers" property set in the logging configuration
JDK-8002070   core-libs       Remove the stack search for a resource bundle for Logger to use
JDK-8001642   core-libs       Optional<T> class
JDK-8001334   core-libs       Remove use of JVM_* functions from java.io code
JDK-8000183   core-libs       JCK/7b59: api/java_beans/Introspector/descriptions_Introspector fails on arm platforms
JDK-7190897   core-libs       (fs) Files.isWritable method returns false when the path is writable (win)
JDK-8006637   core-svc        Failure to filter out native frame events on Solaris
JDK-8005116   core-svc        NPG: Rename -permstat option for jmap in jdk8 to -clstats
JDK-8009684   docs            Default top left frame should be "All Packages" in the generated javadoc documentation
JDK-8010521   globalization   jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 2
JDK-8005716   hotspot         Enhance JNI specification to allow support of static JNI libraries in Embedded JREs
JDK-8004172   hotspot         NPG: Update jstat counter names to reflect metaspace changes
JDK-8010183   infrastructure  Extraneous debug output in generated-configure.sh
JDK-8009608   infrastructure  Event tracing should be excluded from the SE ARM build 
JDK-8009429   infrastructure  Miscellaneous profiles cleanup
JDK-8009428   infrastructure  Revert changes to $ substitution performed as part of nashorn integration
JDK-8009426   infrastructure  "profiles" target fails due to nashorn if "images" is not built first
JDK-8010787   install         changeset for 8007703 is missing the deleted files
JDK-8007703   install         Remove com.sun.servicetag API
JDK-8010142   other-libs      ProblemList.txt updates (3/2013)
JDK-8006818   other-libs      SunEC and SunPKCS11 providers should be in all profiles
JDK-7183800   other-libs      TEST_BUG: Update tests to run on Ubuntu 12.04 (localhost is
JDK-8010531   security-libs   Add BadKdc* tests to problem list for solaris-sparcv9
JDK-8010112   security-libs   NullPointerException in sun.security.provider.certpath.CertId()
JDK-8009970   security-libs   Several LoginModule classes need extra permission to load AuthResources
JDK-8009875   security-libs   Provide a default udp_preference_limit for krb5.conf
JDK-8007607   security-libs   security native code doesn't always use malloc, realloc, and calloc correctly
JDK-8010387   tools           Javac crashes when diagnostic mentions anonymous inner class' type variables
JDK-8010361   tools           fix some langtools findbugs issues
JDK-8010333   tools           Remove com.sun.tools.javac.Server
JDK-8010317   tools           DocLint incorrectly reports some <pre> tags as empty
JDK-8010315   tools           doclint errors in javac public API
JDK-8010303   tools           Graph inference: missing incorporation step causes spurious inference error
JDK-8010179   tools           Remove transitional target values from javac
JDK-8010101   tools           Intersection type cast issues redundant unchecked warning
JDK-8010010   tools           NPE generating serializedLambdaName for nested lambda
JDK-8009820   tools           AssertionError when compiling java code with two identical static imports
JDK-8009649   tools           Lambda back-end should generate invokespecial for method handles referring to private instance methods
JDK-8008582   tools           jtreg failures after conversion of shell tests to Java
JDK-8007767   tools           TargetAnnoCombo.java need to be updated to add a new test mode
JDK-8006547   tools           Repeating annotations: No Target on container annotation with all targets on base annotation gives compiler error
JDK-8005428   tools           Update jdeps to read the same profile information as by javac
JDK-8005220   tools           RFE to write javap tests for repeating annotations.
JDK-7080464   tools           langtools regression test failures when assertions are enabled
JDK-5053846   tools           javac: MethodRef entries are duplicated in the constant pool

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