jdk8-b86: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Apr 16 14:12:00 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8011123   client-libs     serialVersionUID of java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException changed in JDK8-b82
JDK-8010375   client-libs     sun.swing.JLightweightFrame should be implemented for XToolkit
JDK-8010005   client-libs     [parfait] Memory leak in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CTextPipe.m
JDK-8009436   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] javax/print/attribute/URLPDFPrinting.java fails on linux with java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out
JDK-8006941   client-libs     [macosx] Deadlock in drag and drop
JDK-8000630   client-libs     [macosx] closed/java/awt/Clipboard/DelayedQueryTest/DelayedQueryTest.html fails
JDK-7199783   client-libs     Setting cursor on DragSourceContext does not work on OSX
JDK-7153758   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] [macosx] test closed/javax/swing/text/html/FormView/6222200/bug6222200.java fail
JDK-7153702   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Synchronization problem in test javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/bug6827786.java
JDK-7075105   client-libs     WIN: Provide a way to format HTML on drop
JDK-8011602   core-libs       jobjc build failure on Mac
JDK-8011590   core-libs       More tests for core reflection modeling of default methods
JDK-8011555   core-libs       Invalid class name in with block with JavaImporter causes MH type mismatch
JDK-8011552   core-libs       Arrays with missing elements are not properly sorted
JDK-8011544   core-libs       Allow subclassing Java classes from script without creating instances
JDK-8011543   core-libs       "".split(undefined,{valueOf:function(){throw 2}}) does not throw exception
JDK-8011540   core-libs       PropertyMap histories should not begin with empty map
JDK-8011421   core-libs       When using Object.defineProperty on arrays, PropertyDescriptor's property accessors are invoked multiple times
JDK-8011394   core-libs       RegExp.prototype.test() does not call valueOf on lastIndex property as per the spec.
JDK-8011393   core-libs       Typo in SerialException in SerialClob.truncate
JDK-8011382   core-libs       Data prototype methods and constructor do not call user defined toISOString, valueOf methods per spec.
JDK-8011380   core-libs       FX dependency on PlatformLogger broken by 8010309
JDK-8011373   core-libs       Property java.runtime.profile should be removed (left-over code)
JDK-8011365   core-libs       Array.prototype.join and Array.prototype.toString do not throw TypeError on null, undefined
JDK-8011362   core-libs       Overloaded method resolution foiled by nulls
JDK-8011357   core-libs       Array.prototype.slice and Array.prototype.splice should not call user defined valueOf of start, end arguments more than once
JDK-8011274   core-libs       Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get.hasOwnProperty("prototype") should be false
JDK-8011237   core-libs       Object.isExtensible(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get) should be false
JDK-8011234   core-libs       Performance regression with ftp protocol when uploading in image mode
JDK-8011233   core-libs       Create a Nashorn shell for JavaFX
JDK-8011219   core-libs       Regression with recent PropertyMap history changes
JDK-8011209   core-libs       Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get.length is not 0
JDK-8011199   core-libs       Backout CR#7143928
JDK-8011095   core-libs       PropertyHashMap.rehash() does not grow enough
JDK-8011063   core-libs       With older ant, we get the error "The <property> type doesn't support nested text data ("${run.te...jvmargs}")."
JDK-8011052   core-libs       Add DEFAULT to javax.lang.model.Modifier
JDK-8010995   core-libs       Rename erroneous unit test with wrong bug id
JDK-8010991   core-libs       Enable test/javax/script/GetInterfaceTest.java again
JDK-8010924   core-libs       Dealing with undefined property gets you a fatal stack
JDK-8010849   core-libs       (str) Optimize StringBuilder.append(null)
JDK-8010837   core-libs       FileInputStream.available() Throw IOException When Encountering Negative Available Values
JDK-8010316   core-libs       Improve handling of char sequences containing surrogates
JDK-8010309   core-libs       Improve PlatformLogger.isLoggable performance by direct mapping from an integer to Level
JDK-8009230   core-libs       Nashorn rejects extended RegExp syntax accepted by all major JS engines
JDK-8008925   core-libs       Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode() does not ignore padding chars
JDK-8007905   core-libs       To add a system property to create zip file without using ZIP64 end table when entry count > 64k
JDK-8007774   core-libs       Enable code cache again
JDK-8007379   core-libs       Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode() throws IAE for a non-base64 character after padding
JDK-8006036   core-libs       (process) cleanup code in java/lang/Runtime/exec/WinCommand.java
JDK-8005696   core-libs       Add CompletableFuture 
JDK-8004979   core-libs       java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString should include "default"
JDK-8000406   core-libs       change files using @GenerateNativeHeader to use @Native
JDK-7185456   core-libs       (ann) Optimize Annotation handling in java/sun.reflect.* code for small number of annotationsC
JDK-7143928   core-libs       (coll) Optimize for Empty HashMaps
JDK-7091601   core-libs       Arabic Locale: can not set type of digit in application level
JDK-6992705   core-libs       Include modifiers in Class.toGenericString()
JDK-6298888   core-libs       Add toGenericString to j.l.Class and getTypeName to j.l.reflect.Type
JDK-5001942   core-libs       Missings SOCKS support for direct connections
JDK-8009558   core-svc        linked_md.c::dll_build_name can get stuck in an infinite loop
JDK-8009427   core-svc        Re-enable tests that were disable to ease complicated push
JDK-8003824   core-svc        TEST_BUG: closed/javax/management/remote/mandatory/security/MarshalledObjectGetTest2.sh fails
JDK-8011660   embedded        FX bundles need to be pulled from prepromoted directory for embedded builds
JDK-8008473   embedded        jrecreate does not run on Windows platforms
JDK-8008204   embedded        JRECreate creates directory when --dry-run (-n) option specified
JDK-8010846   hotspot         Update the corresponding test in test/vm/verifier/TestStaticIF.java
JDK-8011350   infrastructure  hgforest.sh can fail if sh is not bash
JDK-8011342   infrastructure  Fix for JDK-8011178 does not work on solaris-sparc/solaris-i586
JDK-8011187   infrastructure  Remove obsolete/unused targets from jdk/test/Makefile
JDK-8011178   infrastructure  hgforest.sh fails to detect Python correctly on MacOS
JDK-8010268   infrastructure  Remove dependency on clean from prep target in jdk/test/Makefile
JDK-8010267   infrastructure  Add clean-test target to root repo and add cleaning of tests to clean target
JDK-8009824   infrastructure  webrev.ksh generated jdk.patch files do not handle  renames, copies, and shouldn't be applied
JDK-8010125   security-libs   keytool -importkeystore could create a pkcs12 keystore with different storepass and keypass
JDK-7155780   security-libs   memory checking in ucrypto nativeCrypto.c
JDK-7155720   security-libs   PKCS11 minor issues in native code
JDK-8011677   tools           EndPosTables should avoid hidden references to Parser
JDK-8011676   tools           Instances of Tokens.Comment should not be defined in inner classes
JDK-8010922   tools           Cleanup: add support for ad-hoc method check logic
JDK-8010823   tools           DefaultMethodTest.testReflectCall fails with new lambda VM
JDK-8010822   tools           Intersection type cast for functional expressions does not follow spec EDR
JDK-8010511   tools           Tests are  creating files in /tmp
JDK-8010490   tools           FindBugs: double assignments in LambdaToMethod.visitIdent
JDK-8010469   tools           Bad assertion in LambdaToMethod
JDK-8010404   tools           Lambda debugging: redundant LineNumberTable entry for lambda capture
JDK-8009131   tools           Overload: javac should discard methods that lead to errors in lambdas with implicit parameter types
JDK-8006346   tools           doclint should make allowance for headers generated by standard doclet
JDK-7059170   tools           Assume availablility of URLClassLoader.close
JDK-7041251   tools           Use j.u.Objects utility methods in langtools
JDK-4965689   tools           class literal code wastes a byte
JDK-8010393   xml             Update JAX-WS RI integration to 2.2.9-b12941

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