jdk8-b87: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Apr 23 09:57:06 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8011622   client-libs     Use lcms as the default color management module in jdk8
JDK-8010297   client-libs     Missing isLoggable() checks in logging code
JDK-8010009   client-libs     [macosx] Unable type into online word games on MacOSX
JDK-8009809   client-libs     Better Opentype font processing
JDK-8009305   client-libs     Improve AWT data transfer
JDK-8008249   client-libs     Sync latest ICU opentype layout engine into JDK
JDK-8007918   client-libs     Better image writing
JDK-8007675   client-libs     Improve color conversion 
JDK-8007667   client-libs     Better image reading
JDK-8007617   client-libs     Better validation of images
JDK-8007408   client-libs     More font handling improvements
JDK-8007406   client-libs     Improve accessibility of AccessBridge
JDK-8007014   client-libs     Improve image handling
JDK-8006809   client-libs     Improve TrueType font handling
JDK-8006795   client-libs     Improve font warning messages
JDK-8006790   client-libs     Improve checking for windows
JDK-8005930   client-libs     [lcms] ColorConvertOp: Alpha channel is not transferred from source to destination.
JDK-8005285   client-libs     Improve handling of malformed fonts
JDK-8004994   client-libs     Improve checking of glyph table
JDK-8004987   client-libs     Improve font layout
JDK-8004986   client-libs     Better handling of glyph table
JDK-8004866   client-libs     [macosx] HiDPI support in Aqua L&F
JDK-8004518   client-libs     In-place methods on Map
JDK-8004261   client-libs     Improve input validation
JDK-8001031   client-libs     Better font processing
JDK-8000629   client-libs     [macosx] Blurry rendering with Java 7 on Retina display
JDK-7200507   client-libs     Refactor Introspector internals
JDK-7147075   client-libs     JTextField doesn't get focus or loses focus forever
JDK-4683761   client-libs     Incomplete Introspection on nonpublic classes lead to IllegalAccessExceptions
JDK-8012343   core-libs       Objects.requireNonNull(Object,Supplier) breaks genstubs build
JDK-8012244   core-libs       java/net/Socket/asyncClose/Race.java fails intermittently on Windows
JDK-8012237   core-libs       CompletableFuture/Basic.java still fails intermittently
JDK-8012123   core-libs       hijrah-config-umalqura.properties is missing from makefiles/profile-includes.txt
JDK-8012028   core-libs       Metafactory-generated lambda classes should be final
JDK-8012019   core-libs       (fc) Thread.interrupt triggers hang in FileChannelImpl.pread (win)
JDK-8011980   core-libs       Allow NUL character in character class
JDK-8011974   core-libs       Comparator function returning negative and positive Infinity does not work as expected with Array.prototype.sort
JDK-8011960   core-libs        [2,1].sort(null) should throw TypeError
JDK-8011930   core-libs       Long.parseLong(String, int) has inaccurate limit on radix for using 'L'
JDK-8011885   core-libs       Switch to Joni as default Regexp engine
JDK-8011884   core-libs       Regexp literals are compiled twice
JDK-8011800   core-libs       Add java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(T, Supplier<String>) 
JDK-8011799   core-libs       CompletableFuture/Basic.java fails intermittently
JDK-8011756   core-libs       Wrong characters supported in RegExp \c escape 
JDK-8011749   core-libs       Bugs with empty character class handling
JDK-8011714   core-libs       Regexp decimal escape handling still not correct
JDK-8011647   core-libs       (fs) Add java.time.Instant methods to java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime
JDK-8011200   core-libs       (coll) Optimize empty ArrayList and HashMap
JDK-8011172   core-libs       CCC request to Update the OpenJDK Threeten Project in SE 8
JDK-8010953   core-libs       Add primitive summary statistics utils
JDK-8010948   core-libs       Add conversion functional interfaces
JDK-8010860   core-libs       test access restrictions of method handle constants in the constant pool
JDK-8010279   core-libs       java.util.Stream.min/max((Comparator)null) is not consistent in throwing (unspecified) NPE 
JDK-8010122   core-libs       Add defaults for ConcurrentMap operations to Map
JDK-8010117   core-libs       Annotate jdk caller sensitive methods with @sun.reflect.CallerSensitive
JDK-8010096   core-libs       Initial java.util.Spliterator putback
JDK-8009814   core-libs       Better driver management
JDK-8009638   core-libs       Wrong comment for PL in LocaleISOData, 1989 forward Poland is Republic of Poland
JDK-8009463   core-libs       Regression test test\java\lang\Runtime\exec\ArgWithSpaceAndFinalBackslash.java failing.
JDK-8009063   core-libs       Improve reliability of ConcurrentHashMap
JDK-8008509   core-libs       6588413 changed JNIEXPORT visibility for GCC on HSX, jdk's jni_md.h needs similar change
JDK-8008118   core-libs       (process) Possible null pointer dereference in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/lang/UNIXProcess_md.c
JDK-8005942   core-libs       (process) Improved Runtime.exec
JDK-8004260   core-libs       (proxy) dynamic proxy class should have the same Java language access as the proxy interfaces
JDK-8003335   core-libs       Better handling of Finalizer thread
JDK-8002390   core-libs       (zipfs) Problems moving files between zip file systems
JDK-8001329   core-libs       Augment RMI logging
JDK-8001322   core-libs       Refactor deserialization
JDK-8001040   core-libs       Rework RMI model
JDK-8000724   core-libs       Improve networking serialization 
JDK-8006435   core-svc        Improvements in JMX
JDK-8009857   deploy          Problem with plugin
JDK-8009686   docs            Generated javadoc documentation should be able to display type annotation on an array
JDK-8011977   globalization   ISO 4217 Amendment Number 155
JDK-8009699   hotspot         Better resolution of classes
JDK-8009677   hotspot         Better setting of setters
JDK-8009531   hotspot         Crash when redefining class with annotated method
JDK-8008140   hotspot         Better method handle resolution
JDK-8004336   hotspot         Better handling of method handle intrinsic frames
JDK-8011812   infrastructure  JDK-8011278 breaks the old build
JDK-8011347   infrastructure  JDK-8009824 has broken webrev with some ksh versions
JDK-8009782   install         More reliable control panel operation
JDK-8006910   install         Improve installation process
JDK-8004470   install         More reliable control panel operation
JDK-8001586   install         Enhance update process for better reliability
JDK-8012056   security-libs   SunJCEInstance needs to run in it's own vm
JDK-8011867   security-libs   Accept unknown PKCS #9 attributes
JDK-8011745   security-libs   Unknown CertificateChoices
JDK-8011680   security-libs   Re-integrate AEAD implementation of JSSE
JDK-8011124   security-libs   Make KerberosTime immutable
JDK-8010944   security-libs   Incorrectly separated package list in java.security-windows
JDK-8009610   security-libs   Blacklist certificate used with malware.
JDK-8005460   security-libs   [findbugs] Probably returned array should be cloned
JDK-8003445   security-libs   Adjust JAX-WS to focus on API
JDK-8001596   security-libs   Incorrect condition check in PBKDF2KeyImpl.JAVA
JDK-8000897   security-libs   Better hash performance
JDK-7171982   security-libs   Cipher getParameters() throws RuntimeException: Cannot find SunJCE provider
JDK-6425477   security-libs   Better support for generation of high entropy random numbers
JDK-8011805   tools           Update sun.tools.java class file reading/writing support to include the new constant pool entries (including invokedynamic) 
JDK-8011432   tools           javac, compiler regression iterable + captured type
JDK-8011392   tools           Missing checkcast when casting to intersection type
JDK-8011383   tools           Symbol.getModifiers omits ACC_ABSTRACT from interface with default methods
JDK-8011377   tools           Javac crashes when multiple lambdas are defined in an array
JDK-8011376   tools           Spurious checked exception errors in nested method call
JDK-8011181   tools           javac, empty UTF8 entry generated for inner class
JDK-8011028   tools           lang/INFR/infr001/infr00101md/infr00101md.java fails to compile after switch to JDK8-b82
JDK-8010923   tools           Avoid redundant speculative attribution
JDK-8010659   tools           Javac Crashes while building OpenJFX
JDK-8008941   tools           isSynthetic() returns false for lambda instances
JDK-8005091   tools           javadoc should be able to return the receiver type
JDK-7015104   tools           use new subtype of TypeSymbol for type parameters
JDK-8010099   xml             [TEST] closed/com/sun/xml/internal/org/jvnet/mimepull/Test8003542/Test8003542.sh fails on solarises with syntax error (nightly)
JDK-8005432   xml             Update access to JAX-WS
JDK-8003542   xml             Improve processing of MTOM attachments
JDK-6657673   xml             Better data model for JAXP

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