CFV: New JDK8 Reviewer: Anton Tarasov

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Mon Aug 12 10:06:50 PDT 2013

Vote: YES

best regards,

On 08/02/2013 02:32 PM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
> I hereby nominate Anton Tarasov (OpenJDK user name: ant) to JDK8 Reviewer.
> Anton is currently a Committer in JDK7, 7u, 8, and OpenJFX projects. He
> is a member of AWT/Swing and JavaFX groups at Oracle, now working on
> JavaFX/Swing and Swing/JavaFX integration.
> Web interface for JDK8 mercurial repositories doesn't provide a good way
> to find all the changesets for people with short user names (e.g. "art"
> or "ant"). That's why I had to use CLI:
> hg log |grep '^user.* ant$'
> It shows 50 changesets in jdk8/jdk so far, which is more than enough for
> the nomination.
> Votes are due by Aug 16, 2013. Only current JDK8 Reviewers [1] are
> eligible to vote on this nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by
> replying to this mailing list. For Lazy Consensus voting instructions,
> see [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> Thanks,
> Artem

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