jdk8-b103: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Aug 13 11:26:43 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8022532   client-libs     [parfait] Potential memory leak in gtk2_interface.c
JDK-8022455   client-libs     Fix doclint warnings in javax.imageio
JDK-8022453   client-libs     Fix doclint issues in javax.accessibility
JDK-8022447   client-libs     Fix doclint warnings in java.awt.image
JDK-8022406   client-libs     Fix doclint issues in java.beans
JDK-8022404   client-libs     Fix doclint issues in java.applet
JDK-8022247   client-libs     java/awt/EventDispatchThread/LoopRobustness/LoopRobustness throws NPE
JDK-8022190   client-libs     Fix varargs lint warnings in the JDK
JDK-8022175   client-libs     Fix doclint warnings in javax.print
JDK-8022174   client-libs     Fix doclint warnings in javax.sound
JDK-8021815   client-libs     Add regression test for JDK-8007267
JDK-8021583   client-libs     test/javax/print/autosense/PrintAutoSenseData.java throwing NPE
JDK-8021381   client-libs     JavaFX scene included in Swing JDialog not starting from Web Start
JDK-8016833   client-libs     Underlines and strikethrough not rendering correctly
JDK-8014883   client-libs     java.awt.container.add(component comp object constraints) doesn't work as expected on some linux platforms
JDK-8013849   client-libs     Awt assert on Hashtable.cpp:124
JDK-8012096   client-libs     T2K integer divide by zero
JDK-7161568   client-libs     [macosx] api/javax_swing/JTabbedPane/index2.html#varios fails
JDK-7124339   client-libs     [macosx] setIconImage is not endlessly tolerant to the broken image-arguments
JDK-6551589   client-libs     ContainerListener Documentation may be incorrect
JDK-8022554   core-libs       Fix Warnings in sun.invoke.anon Package
JDK-8022483   core-libs       Nashorn compatibility issues in jhat's OQL feature
JDK-8022478   core-libs       Fix Warnings In sun.net.www.protocol.http Package
JDK-8022476   core-libs       fix some rawtypes and unchecked warnings in java.util.stream
JDK-8022454   core-libs       Fix various serialization and deprecation warning in java.util, java.net and sun.tools
JDK-8022446   core-libs       Fix serial warnings in java.util.stream
JDK-8022440   core-libs       suppress deprecation warnings in sun.rmi
JDK-8022412   core-libs       Remove warnings in java.util root (excluding HashMap)
JDK-8022344   core-libs       Additional debug info for test/java/net/NetworkInterface/IndexTest.java
JDK-8022121   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Remove superfluous @test tag from SpliteratorTraversingAndSplittingTest
JDK-8022094   core-libs       BigDecimal/CompareToTests and BigInteger/CompareToTests are incorrect
JDK-8022087   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in j.u.Deque & Queue
JDK-8022061   core-libs       More ProblemList.txt updates (7/2013) 
JDK-8020854   core-libs       change RMI javadocs to specify that remote objects are exported to the wildcard address
JDK-8020669   core-libs       (fs) Files.readAllBytes() does not read any data when Files.size() is 0
JDK-8020435   core-libs        CompletableFuture/Basic.java fails on single core machine
JDK-8020291   core-libs       j.u.c.CompletionStage
JDK-8020191   core-libs       System.getProperty( " os.name " ) returns  " Windows NT (unknown) "  on Windows 8.1
JDK-8020132   core-libs       Big object literal with numerical keys exceeds method size
JDK-8020016   core-libs       Numerous splitereator impls do not throw NPE for null Consumers
JDK-8016531   core-libs       jconsole-plugin script demo does not work with nashorn
JDK-8015318   core-libs       Extend Collector with 'finish' operation
JDK-8011194   core-libs       Apps launched via double-clicked .jars have file.encoding value of US-ASCII on Mac OS X
JDK-7192942   core-libs       (coll) Inefficient calculation of power of two in HashMap
JDK-7184826   core-libs       (reflect) Add support for Project Lambda concepts in core reflection
JDK-6476168   core-libs       (fmt) Inconsistency formatting subnormal doubles with hexadecimal conversion
JDK-8011038   core-svc        sourceObj validation during desereliazation of RelationNotification should be relaxed
JDK-7198274   docs            RFE : Javadoc Accessibility : Use CSS styles rather than <strong> or <i> tags
JDK-4749567   docs            stddoclet: Add CSS style for setting header/footer to be italic
JDK-8022479   other-libs      clean up warnings from sun.tools.asm
JDK-8022110   other-libs      Update JDK8 with Java DB 
JDK-8015987   other-libs      The corba repo contains unneeded .sjava files
JDK-8022443   security-libs   Fix lint warnings in sun.security.pkcs12
JDK-8022439   security-libs   Fix lint warnings in sun.security.ec
JDK-8022410   security-libs   Fix Javac Warnings in com.sun.security.auth Package
JDK-8022197   security-libs   Intermittent test failures in closed/sun/security/provider/certpath
JDK-8022120   security-libs   JCK test api/javax_xml/crypto/dsig/TransformService/index_ParamMethods fails
JDK-8021789   security-libs   jarsigner parses alias as command line option (depending on locale)
JDK-8013809   security-libs   deadlock in SSLSocketImpl between between write and close
JDK-8001319   security-libs   Add SecurityPermission "insertProvider" target name
JDK-7151062   security-libs   [macosx] SCDynamicStore prints error messages to stderr
JDK-7127524   security-libs   P11TlsPrfGenerator has anonymous inner class with serialVersionUID
JDK-8022186   tools           javac generates dead code if a try with an empty body has a finalizer
JDK-8020997   tools           TreeMaker.AnnotationBuilder creates broken element literals with repeating annotations
JDK-8014826   tools           c.s.t.javac.tree.Pretty.visitNewArray() prints duplicate dimension markers
JDK-8009367   tools           Wrong kind of name used in comparison in javax.lang.model code for repeatable annotations
JDK-8008274   tools           javac should not reference/use sample code

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