CFV: New JDK8 Committer Brian Burkhalter (bpb)

Petr Pchelko petr.pchelko at
Wed Aug 14 14:43:12 PDT 2013

Vote: YES

With best regards. Petr.

On Aug 15, 2013, at 1:39 AM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hegarty at> wrote:

> Vote: YES
> -Chris.
>> On 08/14/2013 02:23 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>>> I hereby nominate Brian Burkhalter to jdk8 Committer.
>>> Brian joined the Oracle OpenJDK team a couple of months ago and has
>>> quickly become a very active contributor to the long neglected
>>> numerics area. In addition to contributing a number of important bug
>>> fixes himself Brian has acted as sponsor/shepherd for several
>>> important community contributions to the numerics area. He has done so
>>> with all the professionalism, alacrity, precision and thoroughness
>>> that we should expect of all OpenJDK committers.
>>> Changesets (in jdk8/jdk repo):
>>> hg log -M -u bpb --template "{desc}\n" | grep "^[0-9]\{7,7\}: "
>>> 8022109: Evaluate adding incrementExact, decrementExact, negateExact
>>> to java.lang.Math
>>> 8022180: BigInteger Burnikel-Ziegler quotient and remainder
>>> calculation assumes quotient parameter is zero
>>> 8022094: BigDecimal/CompareToTests and BigInteger/CompareToTests are
>>> incorrect
>>> 6476168: (fmt) Inconsistency formatting subnormal doubles with
>>> hexadecimal conversion
>>> 8020539: Clean up doclint problems in java.util package, part 2
>>> 8020641: Clean up some code style in recent BigInteger contributions
>>> 8014319: Faster division of large integers
>>> 8020409: Clean up doclint problems in java.util package, part 1
>>> 6480539: BigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros() has no effect on zero itself
>>> ("0.0")
>>> 6178739: (fmt) Formatter.format("%0.4f\n", 56789.456789) generates
>>> MissingFormatWidthException
>>> 8019862: Fix doclint errors in java.lang.*.
>>> 8019857: Fix doclint errors in java.util.Format*
>>> 8017540: Improve multi-threaded contention behavior of radix
>>> conversion cache
>>> 4641897: Faster string conversion of large integers
>>> 6469160: (fmt) general (%g) formatting of zero (0.0) with precision 0
>>> or 1 throws ArrayOutOfBoundsException
>>> 7131192: BigInteger.doubleValue() is depressingly slow
>>> 7192954: Fix Float.parseFloat to round correctly and preserve
>>> monotonicity.
>>> 4396272: Parsing doubles fails to follow IEEE for largest decimal that
>>> should yield 0
>>> 7039391: Use Math.ulp in FloatingDecimal
>>> 4837946: Faster multiplication and exponentiation of large integers
>>> 4646474: BigInteger.pow() algorithm slow in 1.4.0
>>> 8015395: NumberFormatException during startup if JDK-internal property
>>> java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high set to bad value
>>> 8016117: New sun.misc.FDBigInteger class as part of 7032154
>>> 7032154: Performance tuning of
>>> sun.misc.FloatingDecimal/FormattedFloatingDecimal
>>> Votes are due by 2359 PDT, August 28, 2013.
>>> Only current jdk8 Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this
>>> nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing
>>> list.
>>> For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].
>>> -Mike
>>> [1]
>>> [2]

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