jdk8-b105: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Aug 26 11:42:06 PDT 2013
All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
List of all fixes:
JDK-8023045 client-libs [macosx] PrinterIOException when printing a JComponent
JDK-8022997 client-libs [macosx] Remaining duplicated key events
JDK-8022990 client-libs Fix dep_ann lint warnings in swing code
JDK-8022819 client-libs JVM crash in font
JDK-8022241 client-libs [macosx] [PIT] lookupPrintServices() returns one too long array
JDK-8020051 client-libs [TEST_BUG] Testcase for 8004859 has a typo.
JDK-8017580 client-libs Crash in font loading code on Linux (due to use of reflection)
JDK-8017109 client-libs Cleanup overrides warning in src/solaris/classes/sun/print/AttributeClass.java
JDK-8013611 client-libs Modal dialog fails to obtain keyboard focus
JDK-8013454 client-libs [parfait] Memory leak in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Cursor.cpp
JDK-8013446 client-libs [parfait] Memory leak in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/java2d/opengl/WGLSurfaceData.c
JDK-8012079 client-libs [parfait] possible null pointer dereference in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Font.cpp
JDK-8006085 client-libs [findbugs] a warning on javax.sound.sampled.DataLine$Info constructor
JDK-8005980 client-libs [findbugs] More com.sun.media.sound.* warnings
JDK-7191018 client-libs Manual test closed/java/awt/JAWT causes JVM to crash starting from JDK 5
JDK-7173464 client-libs Clipboard.getAvailableDataFlavors: Comparison method violates contract
JDK-7121409 client-libs Two conformance tests for AccessibleText.getCharacterBounds(int i) fail
JDK-7027045 client-libs (doc) java/awt/Window.java has several typos in javadoc
JDK-8023367 core-libs Collections.emptyList().sort((Comparator)null) throws NPE
JDK-8023250 core-libs Update JavaScript code in JDK for changes in iteration over Java arrays
JDK-8023215 core-libs test/java/util/Comparator/TypeTest.java not running (failing but reported as passing)
JDK-8023210 core-libs jjs tools should support a mode where it will load few command line scripts and then entering into interactive shell
JDK-8023203 core-libs Wrap RandomAccessFile.seek native method into a Java helper method
JDK-8023150 core-libs java/util/stream tests no longer compiling following JDK-8019401
JDK-8023104 core-libs ConcurrentHashMap typo
JDK-8023103 core-libs FJ parallelism zero
JDK-8023026 core-libs Array.prototype iterator functions like forEach, reduce should work for Java arrays, lists
JDK-8023017 core-libs BinaryNode.getWidestOperationType reports "Object" for SUB instead of "Number"
JDK-8022959 core-libs Fix new doclint issues in java.util.zip
JDK-8022921 core-libs Remove experimental Profile attribute
JDK-8022898 core-libs java/util/Spliterator/SpliteratorCollisions.java fails in HashableIntSpliteratorWithNull data provider
JDK-8022797 core-libs Clarify spliterator characteristics for collections containing no elements
JDK-8022789 core-libs Revisit doPrivileged blocks in Dynalink
JDK-8022782 core-libs publicLookup access failures in ScriptObject, ScriptFunction and ScriptFunction
JDK-8022779 core-libs ProblemList.txt updates (8/2013)
JDK-8022770 core-libs java/time/tck/java/time/chrono/TCKChronology.java start failing
JDK-8022766 core-libs java/time/test/java/time/chrono/TestUmmAlQuraChronology.java failed.
JDK-8022753 core-libs java.sql.SQLXML.setResult() erroneous sample code
JDK-8022749 core-libs Convert junit tests to testng in test/java/lang/invoke
JDK-8022731 core-libs NativeArguments has wrong implementation of isMapped()
JDK-8022724 core-libs lint warnings in j.u.concurrent packages
JDK-8022707 core-libs Revisit all doPrivileged blocks
JDK-8022676 core-libs Confusing error message checking instanceof non-class
JDK-8022661 core-libs InetAddress.writeObject() performs flush() on object output stream
JDK-8022615 core-libs [nightly] Two nashorn print tests fail in nightly builds on Windows
JDK-8022614 core-libs Please exclude test test/script/trusted/JDK-8020809.js from Nashorn code coverage run
JDK-8022598 core-libs Object.getPrototypeOf should return null for host objects rather than throwing TypeError
JDK-8022584 core-libs Memory leak in NetworkInterface methods ex. isUP(), isLoopback()
JDK-8022524 core-libs Memory leaks in nashorn sources and tests found by jhat analysis
JDK-8022509 core-libs Various Dynalink security enhancements
JDK-8022326 core-libs Spliterator for values of j.u.c.ConcurrentSkipListMap does not report ORDERED
JDK-8022318 core-libs Document Spliterator characteristics and binding policy of java util concurrent collection impls
JDK-8022193 core-libs java/time/test/java/util/TestFormatter.java failed in th locale.
JDK-8022180 core-libs BigInteger Burnikel-Ziegler quotient and remainder calculation assumes quotient parameter is zero
JDK-8022178 core-libs System.console() throws IOE on some Windows
JDK-8022126 core-libs Remove throws SocketException from DatagramPacket constructors accepting SocketAddress
JDK-8022109 core-libs Evaluate adding incrementExact, decrementExact, negateExact to java.lang.Math
JDK-8021977 core-libs Opening a file using java.io can throw IOException on Windows
JDK-8021820 core-libs Number of opened files used in select() is limited to 1024 [macosx]
JDK-8020842 core-libs IDN do not throw IAE when hostname ends with a trailing dot
JDK-8020537 core-libs java/util/concurrent/forkjoin/ThrowingRunnable.java
JDK-8020355 core-libs bind on built-in constructors don't use bound argument values
JDK-8020054 core-libs (tz) Support tzdata2013d
JDK-8019985 core-libs Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.Z") should return NaN
JDK-8019948 core-libs java/util/logging/bundlesearch/ResourceBundleSearchTest.java is failing intermittently
JDK-8019401 core-libs Collectors.collectingAndThen
JDK-8019185 core-libs Inconsistency between JapaneseEra start dates and java.util.JapaneseImperialDate
JDK-8015986 core-libs Incorrect Localization of HijrahChronology
JDK-8015780 core-libs java/lang/reflect/Method/GenericStringTest.java failing
JDK-8015765 core-libs TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/ServerSocketChannel/AdaptServerSocket.java failing intermittently (sol)
JDK-8015666 core-libs test/tools/pack200/TimeStamp.java failing
JDK-8014824 core-libs Document Spliterator characteristics and binding policy of java util collection impls
JDK-7154662 core-libs {CRC32,Adler32}.update(byte[] b, int off, int len): undocumented ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
JDK-7147084 core-libs (process) appA hangs when read output stream of appB which starts appC that runs forever
JDK-6614237 core-libs missing codepage Cp290 at java runtime
JDK-5049299 core-libs (process) Use posix_spawn, not fork, on S10 to avoid swap exhaustion
JDK-4858457 core-libs File.getCanonicalPath() throws IOException when invoked with "nul" (win)
JDK-8022071 core-svc Some vm/jvmti tests fail because cannot attach to the Java virtual machine
JDK-8016727 core-svc test/com/sun/jdi/sde/TemperatureTableTest.java failing intermittently
JDK-8016722 core-svc closed/javax/management/security/MonitorThreadGroupTest.java timing out (or running too slow)
JDK-8022080 docs javadoc generates invalid HTML in Turkish locale
JDK-8017191 docs Javadoc is confused by @link to imported classes outside of the set of generated packages
JDK-8016921 docs Change the profiles table on overview-summary.html page to a list
JDK-8013887 docs In class use, some tables are randomly unsorted
JDK-8021934 embedded JT_HS jfr test jfr/os/TestCPUInformation.java does not take into account ARM or PPC port
JDK-8021121 globalization ISO 4217 Amendment Number 156
JDK-8022259 hotspot MakeClasslist tool is buggy and its README is out of date.
JDK-8020855 hotspot TestObjectCountEvent.java fails with wrong size of objects
JDK-8020367 hotspot Cannot get default presets from FlightRecorderMBean
JDK-8020119 hotspot Remove TestCheckpointTime
JDK-8019938 hotspot Remove fixed tests from Problemlist.txt
JDK-8017616 hotspot Heap statistics event should not be enabled by default
JDK-8016509 hotspot TestJavaThreadStatistics assumes one event per chunk
JDK-8016330 hotspot Minor issues in JFR event metadata
JDK-8016242 hotspot The heap summary events tests should use less than or equal
JDK-8015863 hotspot closed/com/oracle/jfr/runtime/TestThreadAllocationEvent.java: java.io.FileNotFoundException:No chunks
JDK-8023311 infrastructure Clean up profile-includes.txt
JDK-8023075 infrastructure JDK-5049299 has broken old make in jdk8
JDK-8023230 security-libs The impl of KerberosClientKeyExchange maybe not exist
JDK-8023108 security-libs Remove ShortRSAKey1024.sh from ProblemList.txt
JDK-8022897 security-libs Add test/com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/RSA/TestOAEPPadding.java to ProblemList
JDK-8022896 security-libs test/com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/RSA/TestOAEPPadding.java fails
JDK-8022669 security-libs OAEPParameterSpec does not work if MGF1ParameterSpec is set to SHA2 algorithms
JDK-8022487 security-libs DEREncodedKeyValue.supportedKeyTypes should be private
JDK-8022461 security-libs Fix lint warnings in sun.security.{provider,rsa,x509}
JDK-8021788 security-libs JarInputStream doesn't provide certificates for some file under META-INF
JDK-8020081 security-libs Cipher with OAEPPadding and OAEPParameterSpec can't be created
JDK-8016850 security-libs JCK javax.security.auth.Policy tests fail when run in Profiles mode
JDK-8016848 security-libs javax_security/auth/login tests fail in compact 1 and 2 profiles
JDK-8016594 security-libs Native Windows ccache still reads DES tickets
JDK-8013170 security-libs Spec for PBEParameterSpec does not specify behavior when paramSpec is null
JDK-8023146 tools Sjavac test failes in langtools nightly
JDK-8022622 tools javac, two tests are failing with compile time error after class Collector was modified
JDK-8022508 tools javac crashes if the generics arity of a base class is wrong
JDK-8022161 tools javac Null Pointer Exception in Enter.visitTopLevel
JDK-8022053 tools javac generates unverifiable initializer for nested subclass of local class
JDK-8021567 tools Javac doesn't report "java: reference to method is ambiguous" any more
JDK-8020663 tools Restructure some properties to facilitate better translation
JDK-8019486 tools javac, generates erroneous LVT for a test case with lambda code
JDK-8019243 tools AnnotationTypeMismatchException instead of MirroredTypeException
JDK-8015809 tools More user friendly compile-time errors for uncaught exceptions in lambda expression
JDK-8015145 tools Smartjavac needs more flexibility with linking to sources
JDK-8013394 tools compile of iterator use fails with error "defined in an inaccessible class or interface"
JDK-8012940 tools More than 50 tests failed in Serialization/DeSerialization testing (test-mangled)
JDK-8011043 tools Warn about use of 1.5 and earlier source and target values
JDK-8009640 tools -profile <compact> does not work when -bootclasspath specified
JDK-8007517 tools DefaultMethodRegressionTests.java fail in TL
JDK-7182350 tools Regression in wording of unchecked warning message
JDK-7179455 tools tools/javac/processing/model/testgetallmembers/Main.java fails against JDK 7 and JDK 8
JDK-7071377 tools Exception when javac -processor is given a class name with invalid postfix
JDK-7015157 tools String "Tabular Navigation" should be rephrased for avoiding mistranslation
JDK-6983297 tools methods missing from NewArrayTree
JDK-6840442 tools JavaCompiler.getTask() has incomplete specification for IllegalArgumentException
JDK-6721425 tools jconsole Makefile clean rule is missing rm of generated Version.java
JDK-6696970 tools Jconsole becomes unusable if a plugin throws an exception
JDK-6537020 tools JCK tests: a compile-time error should be given in case of ambiguously imported fields (types, methods)
JDK-6417702 tools Graph in Memory tab is not redrawn immediately if changed via 'Chart' combo box
JDK-8022547 vm-legacy [verifier] move DefaultMethodRegressionTests.java to jdk
JDK-8022548 xml SPECJVM2008 has errors introduced in 7u40-b34
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