where is the right place to submit bug reports?

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Mon Dec 23 09:18:01 PST 2013

Hello David,

The "incident" you submitted at bugs.sun.com was moved to a issue in the 
JDK project:

     JDK-8030850 Setting .level=FINEST in logging configuration file 
doesn't work

A fix for the issue is in the JDK 9 codebase and a backport for JDK 8 GA 
is under consideration.

Thanks for reporting the problem; HTH,


On 12/23/2013 09:01 AM, David P. Caldwell wrote:
> I tried submitting one through the Oracle bug tracker but it seems
> pretty much write-only and there is enough broken about it (broken
> links to nowhere, etc.; the acknowledgement E-mail leads me to a bug
> database that does not contain the bug I reported, which links to a
> FAQ that does not exist) that I am suspicious about whether the bugs
> actually go anywhere that people are using; and I couldn't attach the
> files I wanted to attach for the reproduction case, etc.
> (However, if there's someone who can see it, I submitted bug #9009048
> into Oracle's system.)
> I also located the new OpenJDK JIRA system but it does not appear to
> allow submissions without some sort of credentials, which I don't know
> how to go about obtaining (and is it intended that you need
> credentials to report a bug?).
> So I'm happy to receive guidance. Obviously it's possible there's an
> easy document somewhere which would tell me what to do, but I could
> not find it.
> -- David P. Caldwell
> http://www.davidpcaldwell.com/

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