JEP 175: Integrate PowerPC/AIX Port into JDK 8

Phil Race philip.race at
Sun Feb 3 17:28:52 PST 2013

On 2/2/13 3:03 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Phil Race <philip.race at 
> <mailto:philip.race at>> wrote:
>         As previously discussed on porters-dev the current target is
>         not the first
>         JDK 8 release but rather the first non-security update (i.e.
>         something like
>         JDK 8u2)
>     Given the scale and timing, isn't JDK 9 a more appropriate target ?
>     The goal of a JDK 8 update 2, *should* be stabilisation, and this
>     sounds rather the opposite.
>     It also introduces logistic issues like ramping up infrastructure
>     which in my experience
>     can't solved all that quickly.
> Well, the MacOS X port made it into 7u4 and we're of course keen to do 
> it better:)

OSX was a major investment on a lot of fronts. People (dev, sqe, pm) 
were diverted
away from other projects and it was being worked on by Oracle engineers 
in the os x project
for a *long* time before it was integrated. Even then it was rough and 
And 7u4 was only a developer release. Full support wasn't even claimed then.

So when you even mention the osx port, even with a claim it won't be as bad,
my internal alarm bells start ringing enough to think the actual impact 
to be assessed.

And there was a time imperative driving that. I'm not sure what the 
imperative is here.
> What do you mean with "ramping up infrastructure":
>  - hardware resources (like test/build infrastructure)?
>  - human resources within Oracle?
>  - human resources within IBM/SAP?
> I think we have most of these allocated (except the Oracle part which 
> I can not speak about:)
I mean Oracle since your JEP is clear resources are needed where it says

 > We therefore think this JEP needs funding not only from IBM and SAP
 > but also from Oracle, in particular so that Oracle engineers in the 
 >and Core Libraries Groups can assist in this effort.


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