jdk8-b77: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Feb 12 10:35:10 PST 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8007006   client-libs     [macosx] Closing subwindow loses main window menus.
JDK-8005405   client-libs     [macosx] Drag and Drop: wrong animation when dropped outside any drop target.
JDK-8005189   client-libs     [parfait] #226 sun/dc/pr/dcPathFiller.c Null pointer deference
JDK-8005054   client-libs     [parfait] #417 X11SurfaceData.c UNINITIALISED OR MISSING RETURN VALUE
JDK-8005052   client-libs     [parfait] #416 X11SurfaceData.c UNINITIALISED OR MISSING RETURN VALUE
JDK-8004821   client-libs     Graphics2D.drawPolygon() fails with IllegalPathStateException
JDK-8004801   client-libs     The image of BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB is blank.
JDK-7179482   client-libs     Component.accessibleContext and JComponent.accessibleContext refactoring
JDK-7077259   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Test work correctly only when default L&F is Metal
JDK-8007322   core-libs       untangle ftp protocol from general networking URL tests
JDK-8007298   core-libs       Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode() throws IAE for a single non-base64 character
JDK-8007115   core-libs       Refactor regression tests for java.lang.reflect.Parameter
JDK-8007113   core-libs       Upgrade AnnotatedElement.isAnnotionPresent to be a default method
JDK-8006530   core-libs       Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode() throws exception for non-base64 character after padding =
JDK-8006526   core-libs       Base64.Decoder.decode(String) spec contains a copy-paste mistake
JDK-8006395   core-libs       Race in async socket close on Linux
JDK-8006315   core-libs       Base64.Decoder decoding methods are not consistent in treating non-padded data 
JDK-8006295   core-libs       Base64.Decoder.wrap(java.io.InputStream) returns InputStream which throws unspecified IOException on attempt to decode invalid Base64 byte stream
JDK-8005832   core-libs       Remove java.lang.annotation.{ContainedBy, ContainerFor} annotation types
JDK-8005712   core-libs       Simplify support for repeating annotations in j.l.r.AnnotatedElement
JDK-8005394   core-libs       Base64.Decoder/Encoder.wrap(XStream) don't throw NPE for null args passed
JDK-8004919   core-libs       AnnotationSupport uses possibly half-constructed AnnotationType instances
JDK-8004698   core-libs       Implement Core Reflection for Type Annotations
JDK-8003549   core-libs       (pack200) assertion errors when processing lambda class files with IMethods
JDK-7042126   core-libs       (alt-rt) HashMap.clone implementation should be re-examined
JDK-6964528   core-libs       Double.toHexString(double d) String manipulation with + in an append of StringBuilder
JDK-6471906   core-libs       java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException in tenToThe
JDK-6355704   core-libs       (fmt) %f formatting of BigDecimals is incorrect
JDK-5035569   core-libs       (fmt) assertion error in Formatter for BigDecimal and %a
JDK-8005791   core-svc        Remove java.beans.* imports from com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector
JDK-8002048   core-svc        Protocol for discovery of manageable Java processes on a network
JDK-7170447   core-svc        intermittent DeadListenerTest.java failure
JDK-8004353   docs            Generated html is wrong for overview.html; content has incorrect css footer class
JDK-8006709   infrastructure  Add minimal support of MacOSX platform for NetBeans Projects
JDK-8001614   other-libs      Include annotation type to documented supported-ness of JDK-specific types
JDK-8007483   security-libs   attributes are ignored when loading keys from a PKCS12 keystore
JDK-8006994   security-libs   Cleanup PKCS12 tests to ensure streams get closed
JDK-8006564   security-libs   Test sun/security/util/Oid/S11N.sh fails with timeout on Linux 32-bit
JDK-8007504   tools           Remove @ignore from tests that no longer need it
JDK-8007492   tools           DocumentationTool cannot locate standard doclet when invoked from JRE
JDK-8007490   tools           NPE from DocumentationTool.run
JDK-8007428   tools           [launcher] add tools/launcher/FXLauncherTest.java to ProblemList.txt
JDK-8007351   tools           Malformed copyright statements in typeAnnotations test directory
JDK-8007344   tools           javac may not make tree end positions and/or doc comments available to processors and listeners
JDK-8007329   tools           minor issues in impl class hierarchry for DCTree.* classes
JDK-8007313   tools           Remove use of {ContainerFor/ContainedBy} from langtools
JDK-8007306   tools           DPrinter: improve display of impl-class, internal tag/kind, and external tag/kind
JDK-8007305   tools           DPrinter: provide better usage message
JDK-8007135   tools           tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java failing with new tool jabswitch
JDK-8007096   tools           DocLint parsing problems with some comments
JDK-8007034   tools           debug printer for javac internals
JDK-8006944   tools           javac, combo tests should print out the number of threads used
JDK-8006536   tools           [launcher]  removes trailing slashes on arguments
JDK-8005075   tools           Pool.Method, and Pool.Variable redundant Symbol field should be removed
JDK-7199823   tools           javac generates inner class that can't be verified
JDK-8007389   xml             Remove uses of _ as identifier in jaxp

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