jdk8-b78: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Fri Feb 15 13:26:01 PST 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8008017   client-libs     The fix for JDK-8005129 does not build on windows
JDK-8005932   client-libs     Java 7  on mac os x only provides text clipboard formats
JDK-8005629   client-libs     javac warnings compiling java.awt.EventDispatchThread and sun.awt.X11.XIconWindow
JDK-8005261   client-libs     [parfait] #415 sun/java2d/opengl/GLXSurfaceData.c Memory leak of pointer 'glxsdo' allocated with malloc
JDK-8005197   client-libs     [parfait] #235 - #237 sun/java2d/cmm/kcms/calc.c Null pointer dereference
JDK-8005194   client-libs     [parfait] #353 sun/awt/image/jpeg/imageioJPEG.c  Memory leak of pointer 'scale' allocated with calloc()
JDK-8005141   client-libs     [parfait] #230 - #233 Unitialised variable sun/font/t2k/ttHints/t1hint.c
JDK-8005134   client-libs     [parfait]#1038 Function Call Mismatch sun/dc/pr/dcPathStroker.c
JDK-8005129   client-libs     [parfait] #1122 - #1130 native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_Image*.c Memory leak of pointer 'k' allocated with mlib_malloc
JDK-8004030   client-libs     [macosx] Case needs to be updated, Darwin can't be recognized on macOS.
JDK-8000326   client-libs     Focus unable to traverse in the menubar
JDK-7161759   client-libs     TEST_BUG: java/awt/Frame/WindowDragTest/WindowDragTest.java fails to compile, should be modified
JDK-7132383   client-libs     [macosx] bug6596966.java should be adapted for Mac
JDK-7107589   client-libs     javax/sound/sampled/Recording/RecordingHangWinXP.java failed with timeout error on linux
JDK-7079260   client-libs     InputContext leaks memory
JDK-4199622   client-libs     RFE: JComboBox shouldn't sending ActionEvents for keyboard navigation
JDK-8008161   core-libs       Regression: j.u.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(rawOffset) returns non-sorted list
JDK-8007902   core-libs       [unpack200] incorrect BootstrapMethods attribute 
JDK-8007680   core-libs       CLONE - closed/test/java/util/zip/ZipFile/Collectible.java failing intermittently
JDK-8007574   core-libs       Provide isFunctionalInterface in javax.lang.model
JDK-8007572   core-libs       Replace existing jdk timezone data at <java.home>/lib/zi with JSR310's tzdb.jar for j.util.TimeZone
JDK-8007520   core-libs       Update date/time classes in j.util and j.sql packages to interoperate with new JSR310 date/time classes
JDK-8007519   core-libs       [unpack200] produces bad class files when producing BootstrapMethods attribute
JDK-8007405   core-libs       Update java.lang.reflect API to replace SYNTHESIZED with MANDATED
JDK-8007392   core-libs       CCC request to Update the OpenJDK Threeten Project in SE 8
JDK-8007279   core-libs       Rename javax.l.model.element.Element.getAnnotations(Class) to getAnnotationsByType(Class)
JDK-8007278   core-libs       Rename j.l.r.AnnotatedElement.getAnnotations(Class) to getAnnotationsByType(Class)
JDK-8007038   core-libs       ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on calling localizedDateTime().print() with JapaneseChrono
JDK-8006505   core-libs       Additional updates to support JSR 310 in JDBC
JDK-8006345   core-libs       Report Synthesized Parameters in java.lang.reflect.Parameter API
JDK-8005697   core-libs       Add StampedLock
JDK-8005623   core-libs       Retrofit FunctionalInterface annotations to core platform interfaces
JDK-8008095   core-svc        TEST_BUG: JDK-8002048 one more testcase failure on Solaris
JDK-8007935   core-svc        java/lang/instrument/RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfaces.sh should use $COMPILEJAVA for javac
JDK-8007786   core-svc        TEST_BUG: JDK-8002048 testcase doesn't work on Solaris
JDK-8007536   core-svc        Incorrect copyright header in JDP files
JDK-8007420   core-svc        add test for 6805864 to com/sun/jdi, add test for 7182152 to java/lang/instrument
JDK-8007277   core-svc        TEST_BUG: JDK-8002048 testcase fails to compile
JDK-8007142   core-svc        Add utility classes for writing better multiprocess tests in jtreg
JDK-8007888   hotspot         JDK changes to fix - Default method cause java.lang.VerifyError: Illegal use of nonvirtual function call
JDK-8006691   hotspot         Remove jvm_version_info->is_kernel_jvm field
JDK-8007625   infrastructure  race with nested repos in /common/bin/hgforest.sh
JDK-8006595   infrastructure  Use jdk/test/Makefile targets in preference to local definitions
JDK-8006594   infrastructure  Add jdk_core target to jdk/test/Makefile
JDK-8004726   infrastructure  webrev.ksh still generating monaco URL instead of JIRA
JDK-8007748   other-libs      MacOSX build error : cast of type 'SEL' to 'uintptr_t' (aka 'unsigned long') is deprecated; use sel_getName instead
JDK-8007934   security-libs   algorithm parameters for PBE Scheme 2 not decoded correctly in PKCS12 keystore
JDK-8007761   security-libs   NTLM coding errors
JDK-8007755   security-libs   Support the logical grouping of keystores
JDK-8001104   security-libs   Unbound SASL service: the GSSAPI/krb5 mech
JDK-8008077   tools           update reference impl for type-annotations
JDK-8007698   tools           jtreg test T6306137.java won't compile with ASCII encoding
JDK-8007610   tools           javadoc doclint does not work with -private
JDK-8007566   tools           DocLint too aggressive with not allowed here: <p>
JDK-8007485   tools           test creates .class files in the test/ directory
JDK-8007479   tools           Refactor DeferredAttrContext so that it points to parent context
JDK-8007464   tools           Add graph inference support
JDK-8007463   tools           Cleanup inference related classes
JDK-8007098   tools           Output Synthesized Parameters to MethodParameters Attributes
JDK-8006995   tools           java launcher fails to open executable JAR > 2GB
JDK-8006896   tools           ClassReader doesn't see MethodParameters attr for method of anon inner class
JDK-8006334   tools           javap, JavapTask constructor breaks with null pointer exception if parameter options is null
JDK-8005931   tools           javac doesn't set ACC_STRICT for classes with package access
JDK-8005750   tools           [parfait] Memory leak at jdk/src/share/bin/parse_manifest.c
JDK-8004822   tools           RFE to write language model API tests for repeating annotations based on the spec updates
JDK-7195131   tools           Update 2 compiler combo tests for repeating annotations to include package and default use cases
JDK-7167125   tools           Two variables after the same operation in a inner class return different results
JDK-7166455   tools           javac doesn't set ACC_STRICT bit on <clinit> for strictfp class

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