jdk8-b98: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Fri Jul 5 11:38:18 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8019692   client-libs     JDK build CC_OPT_HIGHEST setting isn't valid for Sun C++ compiler
JDK-8019236   client-libs     [macosx] Add javadoc to the handleWindowFocusEvent in CEmbeddedFrame
JDK-8016545   client-libs     java.beans.XMLEncoder.writeObject output is wrong
JDK-8016534   client-libs     javax/swing/text/View/8014863/bug8014863.java failed 
JDK-8016254   client-libs     several sun/java2d/OpenGL tests failed with SIGFPE
JDK-8015144   client-libs     Performance regression in ICU OpenType Layout library
JDK-8014264   client-libs     The applet pathguy_TimeDead throws java.lang.NullPointerException in java console once click drop-down   check box.
JDK-8007642   client-libs     Media Names on Java Print Do Not Match the Printer?s and Confuse Users
JDK-8005770   client-libs     [parfait] False positive uninitialised variable at jdk/src/closed/share/native/sun/java2d/cmm/kcms/chnrules.c
JDK-8019580   core-libs       Build Script Change for Nashorn promotion testing
JDK-8019553   core-libs       NPE on illegal l-value for increment and decrement
JDK-8019535   core-libs       Fix doclint warnings in java.time.format
JDK-8019529   core-libs       Fix doclint warnings in java.util.spi
JDK-8019508   core-libs       Comma handling in object literal parsing is wrong
JDK-8019488   core-libs       switch on literals result in NoSuchMethodError or VerifyError
JDK-8019482   core-libs       Number("0x0.0p0")  should evaluate to NaN
JDK-8019478   core-libs        Object.prototype.toString.call(/a/.exec("a")) === "[object Array]" should be true
JDK-8019473   core-libs       Parser issues related to functions and blocks
JDK-8019467   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.util.jar.Pack200
JDK-8019466   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.util.function
JDK-8019407   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in javax.naming.*
JDK-8019380   core-libs       doclint warnings in java.nio, java.nio.file.**, java.nio.channels.**
JDK-8019377   core-libs       Sync j.u.c locks and atomic from 166 to tl 
JDK-8019365   core-libs       Error stack format
JDK-8019357   core-libs       Fix doclint warnings in java.lang.invoke
JDK-8019320   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in javax.script
JDK-8019315   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.util.logging
JDK-8019308   core-libs       Add descriptions of Java SE 7 and 8 language changes to SourceVersion
JDK-8019304   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.util.prefs
JDK-8019286   core-libs       Typo in method  " next "  of class  " ResultSet " 
JDK-8019228   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.util.zip
JDK-8019226   core-libs       line number not generated for first statement if it is on the same function declaration line
JDK-8019224   core-libs       add exception chaining to RMI CGIHandler
JDK-8019223   core-libs       Fix doclint warnings in java.rmi.server
JDK-8019182   core-libs       test/closed/java/net/URLClassLoader/Gifar.java fails intermittently on Windows
JDK-8019175   core-libs       Simplify ScriptObject.modifyOwnProperty
JDK-8019157   core-libs       Avoid calling ScriptObject.setProto() if possible
JDK-8017950   core-libs       error.stack should be a string rather than an array
JDK-8017739   core-libs       ReentrantReadWriteLock is confused by the Threads with reused IDs
JDK-8017550   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.lang and subpackages
JDK-8017540   core-libs       Improve multi-threaded contention behavior of BigInteger.toString() radix conversion cache
JDK-8017477   core-libs       Remove TimeZone.DisplayNames, no longer used
JDK-8017471   core-libs       Fix JDBC javadoc -Xlint errors and warnings
JDK-8017468   core-libs       typo in javadoc:  " ResourceBunlde " 
JDK-8017463   core-libs       [TEST_BUG] 2 tests from tools/pack200/ remain about 1 GB of data in work directory after execution
JDK-8017448   core-libs       JDK-8010732.js.EXPECTED truncated
JDK-8017322   core-libs       java/util/Currency/PropertiesTest.sh should run exclusively
JDK-8017271   core-libs       Crash may occur in java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl::initIDs due to unchecked values returned from JNI functions
JDK-8017260   core-libs       Tests failed with java.security.AccessControlException
JDK-8017174   core-libs       NPE when using Logger.getAnonymousLogger or LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger
JDK-8017088   core-libs       Map/HashMap.compute() incorrect with key mapping to null value
JDK-8017082   core-libs       Bad type on operand stack
JDK-8017046   core-libs       Cannot assign undefined to a function argument if the function uses arguments object
JDK-8016761   core-libs       Lambda metafactory: incorrect type conversion of constructor method handle
JDK-8016667   core-libs       Wrong bytecode generation when testing/setting
JDK-8016455   core-libs       Sync stream tests from lambda to tl
JDK-8016324   core-libs       filter/flatMap pipeline sinks should pass size information to downstream sink
JDK-8016308   core-libs       Updates to j.u.stream.Node/Nodes
JDK-8016139   core-libs       PrimitiveIterator.forEachRemaining
JDK-8015969   core-libs       Needs to enforce and document that global "context" and "engine" can't be modified when running via jsr223
JDK-8015959   core-libs       Can't call foreign constructor
JDK-8015799   core-libs       HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields() throws IllegalArgumentException: Empty cookie header string
JDK-8015347   core-libs       Parsing issue with decodeURIComponent
JDK-8014781   core-libs       support Error.captureStackTrace
JDK-8014499   core-libs       MulticastSocket should enable IP_MULTICAST_ALL (lnx)
JDK-8014377   core-libs       (dc) DatagramChannel should set IP_MULTICAST_ALL=0 (lnx)
JDK-8014233   core-libs       java.lang.Thread should have @Contended on TLR fields
JDK-8014045   core-libs       test/java/lang/management/PlatformLoggingMXBean/LoggingMXBeanTest.java failing intermittently
JDK-8012987   core-libs       Optimizations for Stream.limit/substream
JDK-8012698   core-libs       [nashorn] tests fail to run with agentvm or samevm
JDK-8012647   core-libs       Add Arrays.parallelPrefix (prefix sum, scan, cumulative sum)
JDK-8010732   core-libs       BigDecimal, BigInteger and Long handling in nashorn
JDK-8010697   core-libs       DeletedArrayFilter seems to leak memory
JDK-8009736   core-libs       Comparator API cleanup
JDK-8008458   core-libs       Strict functions dont share property map
JDK-8007340   core-libs       TEST_BUG: remove bootclasspath usage from test/closed/sun/rmi/transport/proxy/testMultipleContentLengthHeaders.sh
JDK-7192954   core-libs       Fix Float.parseFloat to round correctly and preserve monotonicity.
JDK-7184195   core-libs       java.util.logging.Logger.getGlobal().info() doesn't log without configuration
JDK-7162089   core-libs       Add support for repeating annotations to javax.annotation.processing
JDK-7157360   core-libs       HttpURLConnection: HTTP method DELETE doesn't support output
JDK-7131192   core-libs       BigInteger.doubleValue() is depressingly slow
JDK-7039391   core-libs       Use Math.ulp in FloatingDecimal
JDK-7018139   core-libs       Fix HTML accessibility and doclint issues in java.math
JDK-6863624   core-libs       java/util/Currency/PropertiesTest.sh writable check is incorrect
JDK-6609431   core-libs       (rb) ResourceBundle.getString() returns incorrect value
JDK-6469160   core-libs       (fmt) general (%g) formatting of zero (0.0) with precision 0 or 1 throws ArrayOutOfBoundsException
JDK-4641897   core-libs       Faster string conversion of large integers
JDK-4396272   core-libs       Parsing doubles fails to follow IEEE for largest decimal that should yield 0
JDK-8019527   core-svc        Fix doclint warnings in java.lang.instruement
JDK-8019384   core-svc        jps and jcmd tests fail when there is a process started with a .war file
JDK-8016593   core-svc        Clean-up Javac Overrides Warnings In com/sun/jmx/snmp Package
JDK-8015720   docs            @since tag isn't copied while generating JavaFX documentation
JDK-8014017   docs            extra space in javadoc class heading
JDK-8013738   docs            Two javadoc tests have bug 0000000
JDK-8017145   embedded        JRECreate successfully executes with wrong command line
JDK-8013836   globalization   getFirstDayOfWeek reports wrong day for pt-BR locale
JDK-8019559   hotspot         NPE in TestGCWithFasttime.java on Linux-ia32
JDK-8019510   hotspot         Add closed/com/oracle/jfr/runtime/TestExceptionEvents to ProblemList.txt
JDK-8019155   hotspot         Update makefiles with correct jfr packages
JDK-8017451   hotspot         JFR code in 8 uses com.sun.xml.internal.ws.org.objectweb.asm instead of jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm
JDK-8016222   hotspot         Enable all Exceptions disables errors Errors
JDK-8015431   hotspot         Move JFR event definitions to jdk.internal.jfr.events.*
JDK-8015298   hotspot         Don't add default.jfc to the event defaults
JDK-8017570   infrastructure  jfr.jar should not be in compact3 (for now)
JDK-8017263   install         Text overlaps on the java installer dialog
JDK-8019539   security-libs   Fix doclint errors in java.security and its subpackages
JDK-8019360   security-libs   Cleanup of the javadoc <code> tag in java.security.*
JDK-8019359   security-libs   To comment why not use no_renegotiation to reject client initiated renegotiation
JDK-8019259   security-libs   Failover to CRL checking does not happen if wrong OCSP responder URL is set
JDK-8019227   security-libs   JDK-8010325 broke the old build
JDK-8017453   security-libs   ReplayCache tests fail on multiple platforms
JDK-8017326   security-libs   Cleanup of the javadoc <code> tag in java.security.spec
JDK-8017325   security-libs   Cleanup of the javadoc <code> tag in java.security.cert
JDK-8017157   security-libs   catch more exception in test RejectClientRenego
JDK-8017049   security-libs   rename property jdk.tls.rejectClientInitializedRenego
JDK-8016051   security-libs   Possible ClassCastException in KdcComm
JDK-8006687   security-libs   Check the availability of Oracle proxy before running test cases
JDK-8001326   security-libs   Improve Kerberos replay caching
JDK-8019460   tools           tests in changeset do not have @bug tag
JDK-8019397   tools           javap does not show SourceDebugExtension properly
JDK-8017609   tools           javac, ClassFile.read(Path) should be ClassFile.read(Path, Attribute.Factory)
JDK-8017104   tools           javac should have a class for primitive types that inherits from Type
JDK-8016908   tools           TEST_BUG: removing non-ascii characters causes tests to fail
JDK-8016760   tools           tools/javac/T6725036.java fails intermittently
JDK-8016613   tools           javac should avoid source 8 only analysis when compiling for source 7 
JDK-8016099   tools           Some @SuppressWarnings annotations ignored ( unchecked, rawtypes )
JDK-8015993   tools           jck-compiler tests are failed with java.lang.ClassCastException
JDK-8014513   tools           Sjavac doesn't detect 32-bit jvm properly
JDK-8014230   tools           compilation incorrectly succeeds with inner class constructor with 254 parameter
JDK-8014137   tools           Update /tools/javac/literals/UnderscoreLiterals to add testcases with min/max values
JDK-8013357   tools           Javac accepts erroneous binary comparison operations
JDK-8012722   tools           Single comma in array initializer should parse
JDK-8007546   tools           ClassCastException on JSR308 tests
JDK-8007338   tools           Method grouping tab line-folding
JDK-8006973   tools           jtreg test fails: test/tools/javac/warnings/AuxiliaryClass/SelfClassWithAux.java
JDK-8005552   tools           c.s.t.javap.AttributeWriter.visitLocalVariableTable() uses incorrect format string
JDK-7080001   tools           Need to bump version numbers in build.properties for 8
JDK-7066788   tools           javah again accepts -old option (ineffectively) which was removed in 1.5.
JDK-7034798   tools           Ambiguity error for abstract method call is too eager
JDK-7008643   tools           inlined finally clauses confuse debuggers
JDK-6983646   tools           javap should identify why a DefaultAttribute is being used
JDK-6473148   tools           TreePath.iterator() should document the iteration order
JDK-6326693   tools           variable x might already have been assigned, when assignment is in catch block

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