Possible inconsistency with auto generated javadoc for methods with @Override

Sven Reimers sven.reimers at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 23:16:53 PDT 2013

Sorry for crossposting this from javadoc-dev, but the e-mail seems to be
stuck in moderating queue and I assume I will reach more people here.


I would assume that following the rules from


the javadoc output of

public interface Test {

    void method();

    public abstract class AbstractEmptyTest implements Test {}

    public abstract class DefiningEmptyTest implements Test {
        @Override abstract public void method();

    public class DirectTest implements Test {
        @Override public void method() {}

    public class DefaultWithDefiningTest extends DefiningEmptyTest {
        @Override public void method() {}

    public class DefaultWithEmptyTest extends AbstractEmptyTest {
        @Override public void method() {}

should show at least a specified by link in the javadoc for method () on
all non abstract classes?

It seems to me that having an abstract class inbetween the concrete class
with the implementing method and the original interface, somehow the
specified by is not resolved.

Any comments? Shall I file a bug? Did I misread the spec?



Sven Reimers

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