jdk8-b100: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

Enrico Olivelli eolivelli at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 11:03:49 PDT 2013

Hi all,

in JDK-8007035 SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess(Class<?> clazz, int which) has been deprecated.
I'm using it to prevent sendboxed code from accessing private members in java.lang.System (to set SecurityManager to null for example)

is there any other way to protect java.lang.System private fields ?


Enrico Olivelli

Il 23/07/2013 20:35, lana.steuck at oracle.com ha scritto:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/rev/d2dcb110e9db
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/nashorn/rev/598321c438b5
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/langtools/rev/82f68da70e47
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk/rev/5be9c5bfcfe9
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jaxws/rev/4fd722afae5c
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jaxp/rev/5d1974c1d7b9
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/hotspot/rev/bb416ee2a79b
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/corba/rev/8d492f1dfd1b
> ---
> All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
> List of all fixes:
> ===================
> JDK-8020371   client-libs     [macosx] applets with Drag and Drop fail with IllegalArgumentException
> JDK-8020298   client-libs     [macosx] Incorrect merge in the lwawt code.
> JDK-8020210   client-libs     [macosx] JVM crashes in CWrapper$NSWindow.screen(long)
> JDK-8020038   client-libs     [macosx] Incorrect usage of invokeLater() and likes in callbacks called via JNI from AppKit thread
> JDK-8019587   client-libs     [macosx] Possibility to set the same frame for the different screens
> JDK-8019265   client-libs     [macosx] apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar regression comparing with jdk6
> JDK-8017492   client-libs     Static field in HTML parser affects all applications
> JDK-8016737   client-libs     After clicking on "Print UNCOLLATED" button, the print out come in order 'Page 1', 'Page 2', 'Page 1'
> JDK-8015730   client-libs     PIT: On Linux, OGL=true and fbobject=false leads to deadlock or infinite loop
> JDK-8014497   client-libs     [parfait] Potential null pointer dereference in jdk/src/share/native/sun/java2d/cmm/lcms/cmsgamma.c
> JDK-8009168   client-libs     accessibility.properties syntax issue
> JDK-8004859   client-libs     Graphics.getClipBounds/getClip return difference nonequivalent bounds, depending from transform.
> JDK-7188095   client-libs     TEST_BUG: 4 javax/sound manual tests should be modified to run with jtreg
> JDK-6707231   client-libs     Wrong read Method returned for boolen properties
> JDK-8020508   core-libs       Enforce reflection access restrictions on Object.bindProperties
> JDK-8020463   core-libs       Input argument array wrapping in loadWithNewGlobal is wrong
> JDK-8020437   core-libs       Wrong handling of line numbers with multiline string literals
> JDK-8020409   core-libs       Clean up doclint problems in java.util package, part 1
> JDK-8020380   core-libs       __noSuchProperty__ defined in mozilla_compat.js script should be non-enumerable
> JDK-8020358   core-libs       Array(0xfffffff) throws OutOfMemoryError
> JDK-8020357   core-libs       Int32Array(Math.pow(2,31)-1).length throws java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
> JDK-8020354   core-libs       Object literal property initialization is not done in source order
> JDK-8020325   core-libs       static property does not work on accessible, public classes
> JDK-8020324   core-libs       Object.bindProperties(target, source) does not work when source object is a java bean
> JDK-8020318   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.net
> JDK-8020294   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in java.util.Spliterator
> JDK-8020283   core-libs       Don't use exceptions for widening of ArrayData
> JDK-8020276   core-libs       interface checking in Invocable.getInterface implementation
> JDK-8020224   core-libs       LinkageError: attempted duplicate class definition when --loader-per-compiler=false
> JDK-8020223   core-libs       ClassCastException: String can not be casted to ScriptFunction
> JDK-8020125   core-libs       --print-lower-parse misses eval
> JDK-8020124   core-libs       switch((Math.pow ? x = 1.2e3 : 3)) { default: return; }
> JDK-8020095   core-libs       Fix doclint warnings in java.util.regex
> JDK-8020091   core-libs       Fix HTML doclint issues in java.io
> JDK-8020062   core-libs       Nest StreamBuilder interfaces inside relevant Stream interfaces
> JDK-8020040   core-libs       Improve and generalize the F/J tasks to handle right or left-balanced trees
> JDK-8020035   core-libs       nashorn jdk buildfile BuildNashorn.gmk still renamed jdk.nashorn.internal.objects package
> JDK-8020015   core-libs       shared PropertyMaps should not be used without duplication
> JDK-8019983   core-libs       (function(){ switch(1){ case 0: case '': default:return} return 1 })()  returns 0 instead of undefined
> JDK-8019979   core-libs       Replace CheckPackageAccess test with better one from closed repo
> JDK-8019963   core-libs       empty char range in regex
> JDK-8019947   core-libs       inherited property invalidation does not work with two globals in same context
> JDK-8019862   core-libs       Fix doclint errors in java.lang.*
> JDK-8019857   core-libs       Fix doclint errors in java.util.Format*
> JDK-8019822   core-libs       Duplicate name and signature in finally block
> JDK-8019821   core-libs       Boolean Cannot Be Cast To Integer
> JDK-8019819   core-libs       Nullpointer exception in codegen
> JDK-8019814   core-libs       Add regression test for passing cases
> JDK-8019811   core-libs       Boolean to bitwise coercion error
> JDK-8019809   core-libs       Break return statement can create erroneous bytecode
> JDK-8019805   core-libs       for each (init; test; modify) is invalid
> JDK-8019799   core-libs       api/java_util/jar/Pack200 test failed with compactX profiles.
> JDK-8019794   core-libs       closed/java/util/logging/LoggerInAppContext.java failed on jdk8-b96
> JDK-8019791   core-libs       ~ is a unary operator
> JDK-8019783   core-libs       typeof does not work properly for java methods and foreign objects
> JDK-8019629   core-libs       void operator should always evaluate to undefined
> JDK-8019622   core-libs       (sl) ServiceLoadet.next incorrect when creation and usages are in different contexts
> JDK-8019585   core-libs       Another bytecode problem with typeof chains
> JDK-8019551   core-libs       Make BaseStream public
> JDK-8019484   core-libs       Sync j.u.c.ConcurrentHashMap from 166 to tl
> JDK-8019481   core-libs       Sync misc j.u.c classes from 166 to tl
> JDK-8019395   core-libs       Consolidate StreamSupport.{stream,parallelStream} into a single method
> JDK-8019381   core-libs       HashMap.isEmpty is non-final, potential issues for get/remove
> JDK-8019370   core-libs       Sync j.u.c Fork/Join from 166 to tl
> JDK-8019322   core-libs       Forward port test/closed/java/lang/invoke tests from jdk7u to jdk8
> JDK-8019184   core-libs       MethodHandles.catchException() fails when methods have 8 args + varargs
> JDK-8017768   core-libs       ClassNotFoundException if the parameter in Java.type() is an enum.
> JDK-8017447   core-libs       Unmodifiable map entry becomes modifiable if taken from a stream of map entries
> JDK-8017329   core-libs       8b92-lambda regression: TreeSet("a", "b").stream().substream(1).parallel().iterator() is empty
> JDK-8017231   core-libs       Add StringJoiner.merge
> JDK-8017212   core-libs       File.createTempFile requires unnecessary "read" permission
> JDK-8017141   core-libs       java.util/stream Spliterators from sequential sources should not catch OOME
> JDK-8017084   core-libs       Use spill properties for large object literals
> JDK-8016681   core-libs       regex capture behaves differently than on V8
> JDK-8016341   core-libs       java/lang/ref/OOMEInReferenceHandler.java failing intermittently
> JDK-8016285   core-libs       Add java.lang.reflect.Parameter.isNamePresent()
> JDK-8015356   core-libs        [].concat([,]).hasOwnProperty("0") should evaluate to false
> JDK-8015320   core-libs       Pull spliterator() up from Collection to Iterable
> JDK-8015317   core-libs       Optional.filter, map, and flatMap
> JDK-8015315   core-libs       Stream.concat methods
> JDK-8014890   core-libs       (ref) Reference queues may return more entries than expected
> JDK-8014785   core-libs       Ability to extend global instance by binding properties of another object
> JDK-8013925   core-libs       Remove symbol fields from nodes that don't need them
> JDK-8012191   core-libs       noSuchProperty can't cope with vararg functions
> JDK-8011629   core-libs       Object.defineProperty performance issue
> JDK-8011427   core-libs       java.util.concurrent collection Spliterator implementations
> JDK-8011210   core-libs       Investigate the cause of the findValue callsite miss in gbemu.js
> JDK-8010946   core-libs       AccessControl.doPrivileged is broken when called from js script
> JDK-8010821   core-libs       [findbugs] Some classes in jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp expose mutable objects
> JDK-8010679   core-libs       Clarify "present" and annotation ordering in Core Reflection for Annotations
> JDK-8009758   core-libs       JDK-8006529.js fails after recent method lookup changes
> JDK-8007035   core-libs       deprecate public void SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess(Class<?> clazz, int which)
> JDK-7187144   core-libs       JavaDoc for ScriptEngineFactory.getProgram() contains an error
> JDK-7129185   core-libs       (coll) Please add Collections.emptyNavigableSet()
> JDK-7122142   core-libs       (ann) Race condition between isAnnotationPresent and getAnnotations
> JDK-6480539   core-libs       BigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros()  has no effect on zero itself ("0.0")
> JDK-6178739   core-libs       (fmt) Formatter.format("%0.4f\n", 56789.456789) generates MissingFormatWidthException
> JDK-8020308   core-svc        Fix doclint issues in java.lang.management
> JDK-8019826   core-svc        [Test bug] Test com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/SetVMOption.java fails with NPE
> JDK-8019594   core-svc        TestObjectCountAfterGCEvent.java fails with wrong size of instances in event
> JDK-8017306   core-svc        2 closed/com/oracle/jfr/gc/ tests failed with AssertionError in nightly build on solaris-sparc
> JDK-8011702   core-svc        TEST_BUG: Tests for "Improve robustness of JMX internal APIs" bug fix should be modified
> JDK-8010734   core-svc        NPG: The test MemoryTest.java needs to be updated to support metaspace
> JDK-8010285   core-svc        Enforce the requirement of Management Interfaces being public
> JDK-8020441   hotspot         Enable test for 'Method Profiling Sample' event
> JDK-8019967   hotspot         Write regression test for 8004811
> JDK-8019815   hotspot         remove option -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 from TestYoungGarbageCollectionEvent.java
> JDK-8019419   hotspot         Stabilize TestJavaThreadStatisticsEvent.java
> JDK-8017485   hotspot         TestGCCauseWithSystemGC might get wrong GC events
> JDK-8017484   hotspot         TestHeapSummaryEventConcurrentCMS gets concurrent CMS GC events
> JDK-8017446   hotspot         disable fasttime for gc tests
> JDK-8016879   hotspot         The object allocation event(s) create huge amount of data when enabled
> JDK-8015433   hotspot         TestJcmdStartWithOptions.java interrupted on Solaris-sparc (Timeout?)
> JDK-8005161   hotspot         TestPeriodicEventSampling.java gets wrong number of events
> JDK-8017566   other-libs      Backout 8000450 - Cannot access to com.sun.corba.se.impl.orb.ORBImpl
> JDK-8020557   security-libs   javadoc cleanup in javax.security
> JDK-8020321   security-libs   Problem in PKCS11 regression test TestRSAKeyLength
> JDK-8020310   security-libs   JDK-6356530 broke the old build
> JDK-8020164   security-libs   TEST_BUG: DHKeyValidation test should be changed to use all values of y
> JDK-8019854   security-libs   lib/security/cacerts/VerifyCACerts.java should be removed from problem list
> JDK-8019772   security-libs   Fix doclint issues in javax.crypto and javax.security subpackages
> JDK-8019627   security-libs   RuntimeException gets obscured during OCSP cert revocation checking
> JDK-8019410   security-libs   sun/security/krb5/auto/ReplayCacheTestProc.java
> JDK-8019341   security-libs   Update CookieHttpsClientTest to use the newer framework.
> JDK-8019267   security-libs   NPE in AbstractSaslImpl when trace level >= FINER in KRB5
> JDK-8012637   security-libs   Adjust CipherInputStream class to work in AEAD/GCM mode
> JDK-8011547   security-libs   Update XML Signature implementation to Apache Santuario 1.5.4
> JDK-7196805   security-libs   DH Key interoperability testing between SunJCE and JsafeJCE not successful
> JDK-7165807   security-libs   Non optimized initialization of NSS crypto library leads to scalability issues
> JDK-6755701   security-libs   SunJCE DES/DESede SecretKeyFactory.generateSecret throws InvalidKeySpecExc if passed SecretKeySpec
> JDK-8020586   tools           Warning produced for an incorrect file
> JDK-8020286   tools           Wrong diagnostic after compaction
> JDK-8020278   tools           NPE in javadoc
> JDK-8020214   tools           TEST_BUG:  test/tools/javap/8007907/JavapReturns0AfterClassNotFoundTest.java broken
> JDK-8020149   tools           Graph inference: wrong logic for picking best variable to solve
> JDK-8020147   tools           Spurious errors when compiling nested stuck lambdas
> JDK-8019942   tools           Graph inference: avoid redundant computation during bound incorporation
> JDK-8019824   tools           very long error messages on inference error
> JDK-8019480   tools           Javac crashes when method is called on a type-variable receiver from lambda expression
> JDK-8019340   tools           varargs-related warnings are meaningless on signature-polymorphic methods such as MethodHandle.invokeExact
> JDK-8017618   tools           NullPointerException in RichDiagnosticFormatter for bad input program
> JDK-8016702   tools           use of ternary operator in lambda expression gives incorrect results
> JDK-8016640   tools           compiler hangs if the generics arity of a base class is wrong
> JDK-8016175   tools           Add bottom-up type-checking support for unambiguous method references
> JDK-8016060   tools           Lambda isn't compiled with return statement
> JDK-8016059   tools           Cannot compile following lambda
> JDK-8013404   tools           Unclear spec for target typing with conditional operator (?:)
> JDK-8012242   tools           Lambda compatibility and checked exceptions
> JDK-8012238   tools           Nested method capture and inference
> JDK-8009924   tools           some langtools tools do not accept -cp as an alias for -classpath
> JDK-8008200   tools           java/lang/Class/asSubclass/BasicUnit.java fails to compile
> JDK-7041019   tools           Bogus type-variable substitution with array types with dependencies on accessibility check
> JDK-6356530   tools           -Xlint:serial does not flag abstract classes with concrete methods/members
> JDK-8020430   xml             NullPointerException in xml sqe nightly result on 2013-07-12
> JDK-8016648   xml             FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING set to true or false causes SAXParseException to be thrown

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