jdk8-b93: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Jun 4 10:33:09 PDT 2013



2d team performed PIT testing, all the remaining fixes will be tested during promotion:

List of all fixes:
JDK-8014924   client-libs     JToolTip#setTipText() sometimes (very often) not repaints component. 
JDK-8014863   client-libs     Line break calculations in Java 7 are incorrect.
JDK-8014726   client-libs     TEST_BUG: java/awt/WMSpecificTests/Metacity/FullscreenDialogModality.java should be modified
JDK-8014647   client-libs     Allow class-based overrides to be initialized with a ScriptFunction
JDK-8013437   client-libs     Test sun/awt/datatransfer/SuplementaryCharactersTransferTest.java fails to compile since 8b86
JDK-8013416   client-libs     Java Bean Persistence with XMLEncoder
JDK-8012629   client-libs      java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception throw by getAllFonts() on MacOSX
JDK-8012381   client-libs     [macosx]  : Collation selection ignored when printing on MacOSX
JDK-8010721   client-libs     [macosx] In JDK7 the menu bar disappears when a Dialog is shown
JDK-8009911   client-libs     [macosx] SWT app freeze when going full screen using Java 7 on Mac
JDK-8008535   client-libs     JDK7 Printing : CJK and Latin Text in a string overlap.
JDK-8005607   client-libs     Recursion in J2DXErrHandler() Causes a Stack Overflow on Linux
JDK-8003444   client-libs     Potential NULL pointer dereferences in LittleCMS 2.4 found by parfait
JDK-8000422   client-libs     [macosx] Views keep scrolling back to the drag position after DnD
JDK-7183520   client-libs     [macosx]Unable to print out the defined page for 2D_PrintingTiger/JTablePrintPageRangesTest.
JDK-7039616   client-libs     java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/TranslucentJAppletTest.java should be updated
JDK-7011777   client-libs     JDK 6 parses html text with script tags within comments differently from previous releases
JDK-8015459   core-libs       Octane test run fails on Turkish locale
JDK-8015447   core-libs       Full runs of ant octane, ant octane-rhino and ant octane-v8 don't work
JDK-8015439   core-libs       Minor/sync/cleanup of ConcurrentHashMap
JDK-8015354   core-libs       JSON.parse should not use [[Put]] but use [[DefineOwnProperty]] instead
JDK-8015352   core-libs        "i".toUpperCase() => currently returns "?", but should be "I" (with Turkish locale)
JDK-8015351   core-libs        Nashorn shell does not start with Turkish locale 
JDK-8015349   core-libs        "abc".lastIndexOf("a",-1)  should evaluate to 0 and not -1
JDK-8015348   core-libs        RegExp("[") results in StackOverflowError 
JDK-8015278   core-libs       Fix accidental checkin of build.xml with JDK-8015267
JDK-8015267   core-libs       Allow conversion of JS arrays to Java List/Deque
JDK-8014953   core-libs       Have NativeJavaPackage constructor that throws a ClassNotFoundException
JDK-8014928   core-libs       (fs) Files.readAllBytes() copies content to new array when content completely read
JDK-8014909   core-libs       ant test compilation error with JoniTest.java
JDK-8014892   core-libs       More ProblemList.txt updates (5/2013)
JDK-8014836   core-libs       Have GenericDeclaration extend AnnotatedElement
JDK-8014827   core-libs       readLine should accept a prompt as an argument.
JDK-8014823   core-libs       Reprise - Smoke test fail: Windows JDK-8008554.js - access denied ("java.io.FilePermission" "//C/aurora/sandbox/nashorn~source/test/script/basic/NASHORN-99.js" "read")
JDK-8014814   core-libs       (str) StringBuffer "null" is not appended
JDK-8014797   core-libs       Change Java.toJavaArray() and Java.toJavaScriptArray() to Java.to() and Java.from()
JDK-8014735   core-libs       Typed Array, BYTES_PER_ELEMENT should be a class property
JDK-8014648   core-libs        Exclude testing and infrastructure packages from code coverage, round two
JDK-8014646   core-libs       Update the Java interop documentation in the Java Scripting Programmer's Guide
JDK-8014639   core-libs       Remove debug flag from test runs
JDK-8014512   core-libs       Exclude testing and infrastructure packages from code coverage
JDK-8014477   core-libs       (str) Race condition in String.contentEquals when comparing with StringBuffer
JDK-8014426   core-libs       Finally block cut the stack of a thrown exception
JDK-8014394   core-libs       (fs) WatchService failing when watching \\server\$d
JDK-8014219   core-libs       base.js in Octane benchmarks has way too much deviation
JDK-8014133   core-libs       Spliterator.OfPrimitive
JDK-8014076   core-libs       Arrays parallel and serial sorting improvements
JDK-8013919   core-libs       Duplicate symbol when defining function in finally block
JDK-8013334   core-libs       Spliterator behavior for LinkedList contradicts the spec of Spliterator.trySplit() method
JDK-8012694   core-libs       Smoke test fail: Windows JDK-8008554.js - access denied ("java.io.FilePermission" "//C/aurora/sandbox/nashorn~source/test/script/basic/NASHORN-99.js" "read")
JDK-8012522   core-libs       Clean up LexicalContexts
JDK-8012359   core-libs       Increase code coverage in Joni
JDK-8012305   core-libs        Function.bind can't be called on prototype function inside constructor 
JDK-8012083   core-libs       Unary ADD and array literal always produces NaN
JDK-8011718   core-libs       A function can't be bound twice
JDK-8011630   core-libs       JSON parsing performance issue
JDK-8011136   core-libs       FileInputStream.available and skip inconsistencies
JDK-8011023   core-libs       Math.round is not EcmaScript 5 compliant
JDK-8011010   core-libs       Spec j.u.f.Predicate doesn't specify NPEs thrown by the SE8's Reference Implementation
JDK-8010815   core-libs       some constructors issues in com.sun.jndi.toolkit
JDK-8010804   core-libs       Review long and integer usage conventions
JDK-8010680   core-libs       Clarify "present" and annotation ordering in javax.lang.model for Annotations
JDK-8010182   core-libs       (thread) Thread safety of Thread get/setName()
JDK-8009258   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/io/pathNames/GeneralWin32.java fails intermittently
JDK-8009141   core-libs       Avoid netscape.javascript.JSObject in nashorn code
JDK-8008947   core-libs       ScriptEnvironment ctor should be public
JDK-8006884   core-libs       (fs) Add Files.list, lines and find
JDK-8006069   core-libs       Implement quick compile time integer range analysis
JDK-8005979   core-libs       A lot of tests are named "runTest" in reports
JDK-8004789   core-libs       (zipfs) zip provider doesn't work correctly with file systems providers rather than the default
JDK-8004015   core-libs       Additional Functional Interface instance and static methods
JDK-8001750   core-libs       CharsetDecoder.replacement should not be changeable except via replaceWith method
JDK-7083668   core-libs       Sample code in ListResourceBundle is still not correct
JDK-7056126   core-libs       DateFormatSymbols documentation has incorrect description about DateFormat
JDK-7038105   core-libs       File.isHidden() should return true for pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys
JDK-6251788   core-libs       (rb) PropertyResourceBundle doesn't document exceptions
JDK-8015440   core-svc        java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ResetPeakMemoryUsage.java fails with RuntimeException
JDK-8005472   core-svc        com/sun/jmx/remote/NotificationMarshalVersions/TestSerializationMismatch.sh failed on windows
JDK-8014861   embedded        (jrecreate) Remove unnecessary warning
JDK-8014858   embedded        (jrecreate) Known but unavailable extensions should print simple error message not exception backtrace
JDK-7074882   globalization   Locale data needs correction (Month names for Maltese language)
JDK-8014420   hotspot         Default JDP address does not match the one assigned by IANA
JDK-7038914   hotspot         VM could throw uncaught OOME in ReferenceHandler thread
JDK-8015641   infrastructure  genstubs needs to cope with static interface methods
JDK-8014819   infrastructure  set max size for jtreg testvms
JDK-8015077   security-libs   update problem list entry for closed/lib/security/cacerts/VerifyCACerts.java
JDK-8014853   security-libs   closed/lib/security/cacerts/VerifyCACerts.java failing in jdk8
JDK-8014196   security-libs   ktab creates a file with zero kt_vno
JDK-8012261   security-libs   update policytool to support java.net.HttpURLPermission
JDK-7174966   security-libs   With OCSP enabled on Java 7 get error 'Wrong key usage' with Comodo certificate
JDK-8014857   tools           Enable ergonomic VM selection in arm/jvm.cfg
JDK-8014649   tools           Regression: bug in Resolve.resolveOperator
JDK-8014643   tools           Parser regression in JDK 8 when compiling super.x
JDK-8014494   tools           javac crashes when varargs element of a method reference is inferred from the context
JDK-8014048   tools           Online user guide of jconsole points incorrect link 
JDK-8013180   tools           Qualified type reference with annotations in throws list crashes compiler
JDK-8012333   tools           javac, ClassFile should have a read(Path) method
JDK-8007333   tools           [launcher] removes multiple back slashes
JDK-8005207   tools           test has 2 @bug tags
JDK-7177168   tools           Redundant array copy in UnsharedNameTable
JDK-7164114   tools           Two jtreg tests are not run due to no file extension on the test files
JDK-7060779   tools           test/tools/javac/diags/Example.java leaves directories in tempdir
JDK-7053059   tools           VerifyError with double Assignment using a Generic Member of a Superclass
JDK-7030476   tools           Fix conflicting use of JCTree/JCExpression
JDK-6970173   tools           Debug pointer at bad position
JDK-6885876   tools           add comments to javac/util/Convert.java
JDK-6470730   tools           Disconnect button leads to wrong popup message
JDK-8014891   xml             Redundant setting of external access properties in setFeatures
JDK-8014681   xml             Errors in new tests for JAXP 1.5
JDK-8012683   xml             Remove unused, obsolete ObjectFactory classes

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