NetBeans does not start on latest JDK8 b87 build

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri May 3 01:14:09 PDT 2013

On 03/05/2013 07:31, Sven Reimers wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am not sure if this is the right place, but I am not sure how to take
> this forward.
> After installing latest JDK8 b87 build I cannnot start NetBeans anymore.
> see:
> It seems this is caused by
> > From my point of view this looks intentional (do not allow to create Proxy
> objects for Interfaces that are not accessible following the Java
> visibility rules.
> So how to get this sorted out - should I file a bug against JDK8/OpenJDK8?
> Should this be fixed inside NetBeans?
> Thanks for any comments
> -Sven
The changes in 8004260 are intentional but it does seem to have exposed 
a problem for NetBeans.  A JDK bug was submitted on this yesterday:

It will be looked into but I will guess the issue is there is a 
non-public interface involved, the Proxy is generated as a non-public 
class in the same package as that interface, and that NetBeans needs to 
add a setAccessible to suppress the access check. Using 
Proxy.newProxyInterface might be an option too.


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