jdk8-b91: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue May 21 11:59:04 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (2d team did some PIT testing):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8014721   client-libs     TEST_BUG: java/awt/TrayIcon/DragEventSource/DragEventSource.java fails with java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
JDK-8014423   client-libs     [macosx] The scrollbar's block increment performs incorrectly
JDK-8014400   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] After bringing the focus to the icon, then pressing  ENTER key or pressing SPACE key twice, two ActionEvent are generated.
JDK-8014291   client-libs     Errors in new tests for JAXP 1.5
JDK-8014227   client-libs     JLightweightFrame needs another synchronization policy
JDK-8013841   client-libs     [macosx] Animations not disabled for CALayers used via JAWT
JDK-8013736   client-libs     [launcher] cleanup code for correctness
JDK-8013440   client-libs     REGRESSION: closed/sun/java2d/cmm/StubCMMShellTest.sh fails since 8b87
JDK-8013432   client-libs     Test closed/javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/NoAPP0Test.java fails since jdk8b87
JDK-8013426   client-libs     TEST_BUG: java/awt/datatransfer/HTMLDataFlavors/HTMLDataFlavorTest.java fails with "RuntimeException: The data should be available" on Linux
JDK-8011069   client-libs     Printing: NullPointerException since jdk8 b82 showing native Page Setup Dialog.
JDK-8005551   client-libs     Failed Automatically with java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
JDK-8002045   client-libs     Auto failed and threw exception:java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: java.awt.Choice.initIDs()V for 8b62.
JDK-8000936   client-libs     Enable Java2D D3D pipeline on newer Intel chipsets : Intel HD and later
JDK-7191872   client-libs     Xrender: No text displayed using 64 bit JDK on solaris11-sparc.
JDK-7161575   client-libs     [macosx] On MacOSX port java.awt.Toolkit.is/setDynamicLayout() are not consistent
JDK-7079254   client-libs     Toolkit eventListener leaks memory
JDK-4892259   client-libs     GIF ImageReader does not call passComplete in IIOReadUpdateListener
JDK-8014791   core-libs       More ProblemList.txt updates (5/2013)
JDK-8014783   core-libs       java/net/HttpURLPermission/HttpURLPermissionTest.java leaves files open
JDK-8014677   core-libs       Correct docs warning for Objects.requireNonNull(T, Supplier<String>)
JDK-8014519   core-libs       scriptpad sample does not work with nashorn
JDK-8014492   core-libs       NashornLinker was made package private
JDK-8014365   core-libs       Restore Objects.requireNonNull(T, Supplier<String>)
JDK-8014357   core-libs       Minor refactorings to sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.*
JDK-8014329   core-libs       Slim down the label stack structure in CodeGenerator
JDK-8014316   core-libs       Use Method Refs in j.u.stream.MatchOps
JDK-8014296   core-libs       java/lang/Math/DivModTests.java should not compare pointers
JDK-8014254   core-libs       Selector in HttpServer introduces a 1000 ms delay when using KeepAlive
JDK-8014249   core-libs       Add Modifer.parameterModifiers()
JDK-8014225   core-libs       Rerun only failed tests with "test262parallel"
JDK-8014217   core-libs       Base64.getXDecoder().wrap(...).read() doesn't throw exception for an incorrect number of padding chars in the final unit
JDK-8013914   core-libs       Remove line number nodes and move the line number into statements
JDK-8013913   core-libs       Move Source field to FunctionNode instead of having it live in every node
JDK-8013912   core-libs       Nashorn needs to reuse temporary symbols
JDK-8013909   core-libs       Fix doclint issues in javax.lang.model
JDK-8013878   core-libs       ClassCastException in Regex
JDK-8013874   core-libs       Function argument's prototype seem cached and wrongly reused
JDK-8013873   core-libs       Regexp regression for escaped dash in character class
JDK-8013871   core-libs       Add mem usage instrumentation to Nashorn
JDK-8013796   core-libs       load("fx:base.js") should not be in fx:bootstrap.js
JDK-8013794   core-libs       JDK-8006220 caused an octane performance regression.
JDK-8013730   core-libs       CCC request to Update the OpenJDK Threeten Project in SE 8
JDK-8013729   core-libs       SwitchPoint invalidation not working over prototype chain
JDK-8013712   core-libs       Add Objects.nonNull and Objects.isNull
JDK-8013541   core-libs       Revise javadoc for Executable.getAnnotatedReturnType()
JDK-8013528   core-libs       Provide SharedSecrets access to String(char[], boolean) constructor
JDK-8013386   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2013c
JDK-8013380   core-libs       Removal of stack walk to find resource bundle breaks Glassfish startup
JDK-8013254   core-libs       Constructor \w need update to add the support of \p{Join_Control}
JDK-8013252   core-libs       Regex Matcher .start and .end should be accessible by group name
JDK-8013233   core-libs       java/util/Locale/LocaleProviders.sh fails
JDK-8013155   core-libs       [pack200] improve performance of pack200
JDK-8013150   core-libs       Iterator.remove and forEachRemaining relationship not specified 
JDK-8013140   core-libs       Heap corruption with NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress() and long i/f name
JDK-8013086   core-libs       NPE thrown by SimpleDateFormat with TimeZoneNameProvider supplied
JDK-8012975   core-libs       Remove Rhino from JDK 8
JDK-8012664   core-libs       Regression tests for java.util.stream
JDK-8012646   core-libs       Pattern.splitAsStream
JDK-8012645   core-libs       Stream methods on BitSet, Random, ThreadLocalRandom, ZipFile
JDK-8012625   core-libs       Incorrect handling of HTTP/1.1  " Expect: 100-continue "  in HttpURLConnection
JDK-8012453   core-libs       (process) Runtime.exec(String) fails if command contains spaces [win]
JDK-8012326   core-libs       Deadlock occurs when Charset.availableCharsets() is called by several threads at the same time
JDK-8011128   core-libs       (fs) Files.createDirectory fails if the resoved path is exactly 248 characters long
JDK-8010814   core-libs       More buffers are stored or returned without cloning
JDK-8010464   core-libs       Evolve java networking same origin policy
JDK-8008687   core-libs       MethodHandle code: allow static and invokespecial calls to interface methods
JDK-8007073   core-libs       Implement Core Reflection for Type Annotations on parameters
JDK-8006220   core-libs       Simplify PropertyMaps
JDK-8005598   core-libs       (reopened) Need to clone array of input/output parameters
JDK-8004177   core-libs       test/java/lang/Thread/GenerifyStackTraces.java doesn't clean-up
JDK-8004133   core-libs       Provide javax.lang.model.* implementation backed by core reflection
JDK-8003992   core-libs       File and other classes in java.io do not handle embedded nulls properly
JDK-8003258   core-libs       BufferedReader.lines()
JDK-8001163   core-libs       [pack200] should support attributes introduced by JSR-308
JDK-7150552   core-libs       network test hangs [macosx]
JDK-7021870   core-libs       GzipInputStream closes underlying stream during reading
JDK-6328537   core-libs       Improve javadocs for Socket class by adding references to SocketOptions
JDK-4802647   core-libs       (coll) NullPointerException not thrown by AbstractCollection.retainAll/removeAll
JDK-4487672   core-libs       (proxy) Proxy constructor should check for null argument
JDK-8010949   core-svc        TEST: closed/sun/management/snmp/generic/GenericTest.sh
JDK-7199324   core-svc        IPv6: JMXConnectorServer.getConnectionIDs() return IDs contradicting to address grammar
JDK-7181907   core-svc        TEST_BUG: j/l/management/MemoryMXBean/ResetPeakMemoryUsage fails with NegativeArraySizeException
JDK-7148492   core-svc        java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ResetPeakMemoryUsage.java failing since update to hs23-b15 or b16
JDK-6980985   core-svc        java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ResetPeakMemoryUsage is not robust when getMax() returns -1
JDK-8013477   deploy          Better VM argument handling
JDK-8012311   docs            Cleanup names and duplicatre code in TagletManager
JDK-8012308   docs            Remove TagletOutput in favor of direct use of Content
JDK-8012295   docs            Cleanup JavaFX features in standard doclet
JDK-8012183   docs            replace some uses of Configuration.getText with Configuration.getResource
JDK-8012180   docs            Speed up removeNonInlineHtmlTags
JDK-8012178   docs            Cleanup use of Util.escapeHtmlChars
JDK-8012177   docs            HTMLDocletWriter methods should generate Content, not Strings
JDK-8012176   docs            reduce use of TagletOutputImpl.toString
JDK-8012175   docs            Convert TagletOutputImpl to use ContentBuilder instead of StringBuilder
JDK-8012174   docs            {@literal} and {@code} should use "new" Taglet, not old.
JDK-8011668   docs            Allow HTMLWriter.getResource to take Content args
JDK-8011662   docs            Remove single instance of resource with HTML from doclet resource bundle
JDK-8011651   docs            simplify LinkInfoImpl API
JDK-8011650   docs            reduce use of RawHtml nodes in doclet
JDK-8011642   docs            Remove LinkOutput in favor of direct use of Content
JDK-8011288   docs            Erratic/inconsistent indentation of signatures
JDK-8010440   docs            Replace int constants in LinkInfoImpl with enum
JDK-8008768   docs            Using {@inheritDoc} in simple tag defined via -tag fails
JDK-8002387   docs            Improve rendered HTML formatting for {@code}
JDK-8013395   embedded        StringBuffer.toString performance regression impacting embedded benchmarks
JDK-8010280   embedded        jvm.cfg needs to be generated based on the VMs being built
JDK-8004007   hotspot         test/sun/tools/jinfo/Basic.sh fails on when runSA is set to true
JDK-8014500   infrastructure  bootcycle-images fails after upgrade to JAXP 1.5
JDK-8014461   infrastructure  genstubs creates default native methods
JDK-8014269   infrastructure  Add missing .PHONY targets to Main.gmk
JDK-8013652   other-libs      (profiles) Add javax.script to compact1
JDK-8013403   other-libs      Update JDK8 with Java DB
JDK-8013225   other-libs      Refresh jdk's private ASM to the latest.
JDK-8013855   security-libs   DigestMD5Client has not checked RealmChoiceCallback value
JDK-8012679   security-libs   Let allow_weak_crypto default to false
JDK-8010192   security-libs   Enable native JGSS provider on Mac
JDK-8010134   security-libs   A finalizer in sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11 perhaps should be protected
JDK-8007699   security-libs   Move some tests from test/sun/security/provider/certpath/X509CertPath to closed repo
JDK-8005922   security-libs   TEST_BUG: There is no /tmp directory for windows system.
JDK-8005535   security-libs   SSLSessionImpl should have protected finalize()
JDK-8001284   security-libs   Buffer problems with SunPKCS11-Solaris and CKM_AES_CTR
JDK-7196009   security-libs   SunPkcs11 provider fails to parse config path containing parenthesis
JDK-7194075   security-libs   Various classes of sunec.jar are duplicated in rt.jar
JDK-8014676   tools            JDK 7.0_21 Java debugger regression
JDK-8014557   tools           Mutable static field in HtmlDocletWriter
JDK-8014363   tools           javac test class ToolTester handles classpath incorrectly
JDK-8014323   tools           Add VariableTree.getNameExpression
JDK-8014318   tools           tools/javac/profiles/ProfileOptionTest.java needs modifying now that javax.script is in compact1
JDK-8014023   tools           When a method reference to a local class constructor is contained in a method whose number of parameters matches..
JDK-8013852   tools           update reference impl for type-annotations
JDK-8013485   tools           javac can't handle annotations with a <clinit> from a previous compilation unit
JDK-8013222   tools           Javac issues spurious raw type warnings when lambda has implicit parameter types
JDK-8013163   tools           Convert 4 tools multicatch tests to jtreg format
JDK-8012929   tools           Trees.getElement should work not only for declaration trees, but also for use-trees
JDK-8012728   tools           Normalize @ignore comments on langtools tests
JDK-8012685   tools           Spurious raw types warning when using unbound method references
JDK-8012556   tools           Implement lambda methods on interfaces as static
JDK-8012003   tools           Method diagnostics resolution need to be simplified in some cases
JDK-8010006   tools           NPE in javac with interface super in lambda
JDK-8009873   tools           [parfait] Memory leak at jdk/src/share/bin/wildcard.c
JDK-8009724   tools           Enhance the DocTree API with DocTreePath
JDK-8006879   tools           Detection of windows in sjavac fails.
JDK-8006140   tools           Javac NPE compiling Lambda expression on initialization expression of static field in interface
JDK-8005807   tools           [parfait] Undefined return value at jdk/src/share/bin/java.c
JDK-8005735   tools           [parfait] False positive integer overflow in jdk/src/solaris/bin/jexec.c
JDK-8004082   tools            test/tools/javac/plugin/showtype/Test.java fails on windows: jtreg can't delete plugin.jar
JDK-8000407   tools           remove @GenerateNativeHeader
JDK-8014333   xml             javadoc error in JAXP 1.5 patch
JDK-8013900   xml             More warnings compiling jaxp
JDK-8011653   xml             Upgrade JDK8 to JAXP 1.5
JDK-8011356   xml             Create new tests for JAXP 1.5
JDK-8008738   xml             Issue in com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.Encodings causes some JCK tests to fail intermittently

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