JDK8/JAXP 1.5 compatibility note

huizhe wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Wed May 22 16:44:30 PDT 2013

I see.

I would suggest posting the system property workaround now. Whether or 
not a re-evaluation changes the settings, your workaround always works 
because it overrides the default settings.


On 5/22/2013 2:53 PM, Robert Strout wrote:
>>> We've encountered the problem with SPECjbb2005.
>>> We can add the system property setting to our runs to move ahead, 
>>> but SPECjbb2005
>>> is a public benchmark. Everyone who runs it will need to apply the 
>>> same workaround.
>>> Admittedly, SPEC performance benchmarks are only used by limited 
>>> cross-section of
>>> the community.
>> I understand you are using the jaxp.properties option.  Is there any 
>> chance you could update the benchmark itself, e.g setting the system 
>> properties at the entry of the tests and clear at the exit?
> That's not possible.
> The benchmark is owned and distributed by the SPEC org 
> (http://www.spec.org/jbb2005/).
> They would be the ones that would need to update the benchmark, which 
> is not likely to
> happen given that it's replacement SPECjbb2013 has been recently 
> released.  And yet,
> users (like us) will continue to run and use SPECjbb2005 as a 
> performance measure.
> We may be able to get SPEC to post the system property work-around on 
> their web-site.
> I think that's the best that could happen.  Before we push that, we'll 
> wait until the
> re-evaluation is completed.  If the settings change, it may change 
> what we do.
> Thx!
> --Resii

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