jdk8-b115: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Nov 5 13:18:40 PST 2013
All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
List of all fixes:
JDK-2228674 client-libs Fix failed for CR 7162144
JDK-4449028 core-libs (spec) exportObject() javadoc should specify behavior for null socket factories
JDK-5036554 other-libs unmarshal error on CORBA alias type in CORBA any
JDK-5063500 core-libs (fmt) Formatter spec says "char" is not an integral type
JDK-6192407 globalization s10_70, ko, s1/dvd, minor misspelling under "Select Software Localizations" window
JDK-6445180 core-libs URLClassLoader does not describe the behavior of several methods with respect to null arguments
JDK-6607048 globalization clear extra l10n resource files in demo
JDK-6910473 core-libs java.math.BigInteger.bitLength() may return negative "int" on large numbers
JDK-6931564 globalization Incorrect display name of Locale for south africa
JDK-6980353 client-libs Java2Demo throw exception on linux
JDK-7002846 client-libs Fix for 6989505 may be incomplete
JDK-7016396 client-libs (spec) JCK test mentioned in 6735293 is still failing
JDK-7035495 client-libs javax.swing.ImageIcon spec should be clarified
JDK-7050570 core-libs (fs) FileSysteProvider fails to initializes if run with file.encoding set to Cp037
JDK-7058602 client-libs BMP parser bugs found via zzuf fuzzing
JDK-7058607 client-libs GIF parser bugs found via zzuf fuzzing
JDK-7058611 client-libs JPG parser bugs found via zzuf fuzzing
JDK-7058618 client-libs PNG parser bugs found via zzuf fuzzing
JDK-7058662 client-libs AiffFileReader throws java.lang.ArithmeticException: division by zero when frame size is zero
JDK-7058666 client-libs Unexpected exception in AU parser code.
JDK-7058672 client-libs Unexpected exceptions and freezes in WAV parser code
JDK-7059886 client-libs 6 JCK manual awt/Desktop tests fail with GTKLookAndFeel - GTK intialization issue
JDK-7074436 core-libs (sc) SocketChannel can do short gathering writes when channel configured blocking (win)
JDK-7079145 core-libs Remove java/net/ipv6tests/UdpTest.java from the ProblemList.txt
JDK-7090424 client-libs TestGlyphVectorLayout failed automately with java.lang.StackOverflowError
JDK-7105883 core-svc JDWP: agent crash if there exists a ThreadGroup with null name
JDK-7112404 core-svc 2 tests in java/lang/management/ManagementFactory fails with G1 because expect non-zero pools
JDK-7122707 security-libs Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK8
JDK-7122887 core-libs JDK ignores Gnome3 proxy settings
JDK-7124338 client-libs [macosx] Selection lost if a selected item removed from a java.awt.List
JDK-7126305 core-libs (fmt) Wrong Unicode value specified for format conversion character 'd'
JDK-7140929 core-svc NotSerializableNotifTest.java fails intermittently
JDK-7144200 core-svc java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean/LoadCounts.java failed with JFR enabled
JDK-7159266 client-libs [macosx] ApplicationDelegate should not be set in the headless mode
JDK-7165112 client-libs Incomprehensible garbage in doc for RootPaneContainer
JDK-7172770 client-libs Default Toolkit implementation return null value for property "awt.dynamicLayoutSupported"
JDK-7179567 core-libs JCK8 tests: api/java_net/URLClassLoader/index.html#Ctor3 failed with NPE
JDK-7195597 hotspot ThreadStateTest gets different results with -Xcomp
JDK-7197919 core-svc java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadBlockedCount.java has concurency issues
JDK-8001173 client-libs [findbugs] Evaluate FindBug output for sun.font.CompositeFont, sun.font.CompositeFontDescriptor
JDK-8001195 security-libs [build] Add hgtips info to the jdk workspace, bake the built JCE jar files with hgtips info.
JDK-8004213 core-svc JDP packet needs pid, broadcast interval and rmi server hostname fields
JDK-8004476 xml XSLT Extension Functions Don't Work in WebStart
JDK-8004912 core-libs Repeating annotations - getAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) is not working as expected for few inheritance scenarios
JDK-8004926 core-svc sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/CustomLauncherTest.sh oftenly times out
JDK-8005294 core-libs Consider default methods for additions to AnnotatedElement
JDK-8005391 client-libs Floating behavior of HTMLEditorKit parser (fix attached)
JDK-8006248 tools Since addition of -Xdoclint, javadoc ignores unknown tags
JDK-8006676 core-libs Integrate Nashorn into new build system
JDK-8006732 tools support correct bytecode storage of type annotations in multicatch
JDK-8007499 client-libs [FindBugs] AWTEventMonitor fields should be package protected
JDK-8007500 client-libs [FindBugs]: Following fields in AccessBridge should be final
JDK-8007666 core-libs nashorn missing from hgforest.sh
JDK-8008386 core-libs (cs) Unmappable leading should be decoded to replacement.
JDK-8008420 core-libs Fix Nashorn forest to build with NEWBUILD=false
JDK-8008437 globalization [sv] over-translation in java command line outputs
JDK-8008446 core-libs Tweaks to make all NEWBUILD=false round 2
JDK-8008447 core-libs Tweaks to make all NEWBUILD=false round 3
JDK-8008647 globalization [es] minor cosmetic issues in translated java command line outputs
JDK-8008721 core-libs Tweaks to make all NEWBUILD=false round 4
JDK-8008756 core-libs THIRD_PARTY_README contains Unicode
JDK-8008757 core-libs NEWBUILD=true has separate launcher code for jjs
JDK-8008774 core-libs nashorn missing from dependencies after merge with tl
JDK-8008775 core-libs Remove non-ascii from jdk/THIRD_PARTY_README
JDK-8009402 client-libs Crash in j2dbench
JDK-8009411 core-libs (reflect) Class.getMethods should not include static methods from interfaces
JDK-8009681 core-svc TEST_BUG: MethodExitReturnValuesTest.java and MethodEntryExitEvents.java may fail when there are unexpected background threads
JDK-8013581 client-libs [macosx] Key Bindings break with awt GraphicsEnvironment setFullScreenWindow
JDK-8015586 client-libs [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrintToDir.java fails on MacOSX
JDK-8016344 core-libs (props) Properties.storeToXML behaviour has changed from JDK 6 to 7
JDK-8016356 client-libs Any swing frame resizes ugly.
JDK-8016551 client-libs JMenuItem in WindowsLookAndFeel can't paint default icons
JDK-8017779 core-libs java/net/Authenticator/B4769350.java fails
JDK-8019420 core-libs Repeatable non-inheritable annotation types are mishandled by Core Reflection
JDK-8019591 client-libs JCK: testICSEthrowing_fullScreen fails: no ICSE thrown
JDK-8019623 client-libs Lack of synchronization in AppContext.getAppContext()
JDK-8019646 core-libs Clarify javadoc contract of LambdaMetafactory methods
JDK-8019917 globalization [sv, es] Duplicate mnemonic key in JCP Security tab.
JDK-8019918 globalization [es] duplicate mnemonic key in JCP General tab.
JDK-8020037 core-libs String.toLowerCase incorrectly increases length, if string contains \u0130 char
JDK-8020209 client-libs [macosx] Mac OS X key event confusion for " COMMAND PLUS "
JDK-8020467 core-svc Inconsistency between usage.getUsed() and isUsageThresholdExceeded() with CMS Old Gen pool
JDK-8020708 client-libs NLS: mnemonics missing in SwingSet2/JInternalFrame demo
JDK-8020758 core-libs HttpCookie constructor does not throw IAE when name contains a space
JDK-8020802 tools Need an ability to create jar files that are invariant to the pack200 packing/unpacking
JDK-8020851 client-libs java.awt.event.WindowEvent spec should state that WINDOW_CLOSED event may not be delivered under certain circumstances
JDK-8021191 security-libs Add isAuthorized check to limited doPrivileged methods
JDK-8021203 core-libs BigInteger.doubleValue/floatValue returns 0.0 instead of Infinity
JDK-8021204 core-libs Constructor BigInteger(String val, int radix) doesn't detect overflow
JDK-8021257 other-libs com.sun.corba.se.** should be on restricted package list
JDK-8021897 core-svc EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on debugging String.contentEquals()
JDK-8022185 client-libs Fix Raw and unchecked warnings in classes belonging to java.awt.datatransfer
JDK-8022229 core-svc Intermittent test failures in sun/tools/jstatd
JDK-8022536 client-libs closed/javax/print/TextFlavorTest.java fails
JDK-8022657 client-libs Add FunctionalInterface annotation to awt interfaces
JDK-8022658 core-libs Revisit FunctionalInterface on some core libs types
JDK-8022720 tools private method should be accessible (nested classes)
JDK-8022746 client-libs List of spelling errors in API doc
JDK-8022780 core-libs Incorrect BigInteger division because of MutableBigInteger.bitLength() overflow
JDK-8023098 client-libs XRender : AlphaComposite test results are incorrect.
JDK-8023390 core-libs Test java/net/NetworkInterface/MemLeakTest.java failed with the latest jdk8 build
JDK-8023483 client-libs sun/java2d/DirectX/TransformedPaintTest/TransformedPaintTest.java failed with jdk8 on linux platforms
JDK-8023590 client-libs REGRESSION: large count of graphics artifacts with Java 8 on Windows 8 on Intel HD card.
JDK-8023651 core-libs j.l.r.Constructor.getAnnotatedReceiverType() and j.l.r.Constructor.getAnnotatedReturnType() for inner classes return incorrect result
JDK-8023668 tools Desugar serializable lambda bodies using more robust naming scheme
JDK-8023682 tools Incorrect attributes emitted for anonymous class declaration
JDK-8023862 core-libs deprecate HTTP proxying from RMI
JDK-8023863 core-libs deprecate support for statically-generated stubs from RMI (JRMP)
JDK-8023984 core-libs Lambda metafactory: startup performance improvement for using a static factory ref instead of ctor ref
JDK-8024071 core-svc In ManagementAgent.start it should be possible to set the jdp.name parameter.
JDK-8024138 specification (Spec clarification) Lambda Metafacory spec should state DMH constraint on implMethod
JDK-8024179 core-libs Document limitations and performance characteristics of stream sources and operations
JDK-8024329 client-libs [macosx] JRadioButtonMenuItem behaves like a checkbox when using the ScreenMenuBar
JDK-8024378 xml StAX parser shall support JAXP properties
JDK-8024402 xml [TEST_BUG] Test closed/com/sun/xml/internal/org/jvnet/mimepull/Test8003542/Test8003542.sh fails on Fedora OS due to unexpected output of "ls"
JDK-8024461 client-libs [macosx] Java crashed on mac10.9 for swing and 2d function manual test
JDK-8024521 core-libs (process) Async close issues with Process InputStream
JDK-8024603 infrastructure Turn on javac lint checking for auxiliaryclass, empty, and try in jdk build
JDK-8024613 core-svc javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/RMIConnector_NPETest.java failing intermittently
JDK-8024633 core-libs Early class initialization from LambdaMetafactory improves lambda linkage performance
JDK-8024637 core-libs Avoid of usage ASM.Type from InnerClassLambdaMetafactory; lambda linkage performance improvement
JDK-8024660 core-libs TEST_BUG: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/*IOHandle.java leaving hotspot.log open in fastdebug builds
JDK-8024686 core-libs Cleanup of java.time serialization source
JDK-8024688 core-libs b106-lambda: j.u.Map.merge doesn't work as specified if contains key:null pair
JDK-8024809 tools javac, some lambda programs are rejected by flow analysis
JDK-8024833 core-libs (fc) FileChannel.map does not handle async close/interrupt correctly
JDK-8024864 client-libs [macosx] Problems with rendering of controls
JDK-8024876 xml [TEST_BUG] javax/xml/jaxp/parsers/8022548/XOMParserTest.java failed when testbase dir has read only permissions
JDK-8024930 tools adapt to TL fix in lambda repo for errors in VM bridge method tests
JDK-8025003 core-libs Base64 should be less strict with padding
JDK-8025109 tools Better encapsulation for AnnotatedType
JDK-8025225 client-libs Window.setAlwaysOnTop documentation should be updated
JDK-8025238 hotspot nsk/jvmti/scenarios/bcinstr/BI04/bi04t002 crashed with SIGSEGV
JDK-8025287 security-libs NPE in api/java_security/cert/PKIXRevocationChecker/GeneralTests_GeneralTests
JDK-8025290 tools javac implicit versus explicit lambda compilation error
JDK-8025429 client-libs [parfait] warnings from b107 for sun.java2d.cmm: JNI exception pending
JDK-8025521 globalization [de] mnemonic conflict in FileChooser for GTK Style feel&look
JDK-8025588 client-libs [macosx] Frozen AppKit thread in 7u40
JDK-8025631 core-libs Enhance Lambda construction
JDK-8025646 globalization [pt_BR] overtranslation of option in java command line output
JDK-8025649 client-libs [TEST] need test to cover JDK-8000423
JDK-8025734 core-libs Use literal IP address where possible in SocketPermission generated by HttpURLPermission
JDK-8025763 security-libs Provider does not override new Hashtable methods
JDK-8025799 core-libs Restore sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(int) until a replacement API is provided
JDK-8025824 client-libs [cleanup] Fix tidy errors and warnings in preformatted HTML files related to 2d/awt/swing
JDK-8025828 core-libs Late binding of Chronology to appendValueReduced
JDK-8025868 core-libs Several lang/LMBD JCK tests fail with java.lang.BootstrapMethodError
JDK-8025909 core-libs Lambda Library Spec Updates
JDK-8025971 core-libs Remove java.time.ZoneId.OLD_SHORT_IDS
JDK-8025988 client-libs [macosx] Attribute settings don't work for JobAttributes range
JDK-8025990 client-libs [macosx] Attribute settings don't work for JobAttributes setOrientationRequested, setMedia
JDK-8026021 client-libs more fix of javadoc errors and warnings reported by doclint, see the description
JDK-8026028 core-svc [findbugs] findbugs report some issue in com.sun.jmx.snmp package
JDK-8026108 globalization [it, ja, zh_CN] wrong translation in jar example.
JDK-8026109 globalization [ja] overtranslation of jarsigner in command line output.
JDK-8026143 client-libs [macosx] Maximized state could be inconsistent between peer and frame
JDK-8026161 core-libs Early conversion from double to int causes method selection ambiguity
JDK-8026197 core-libs Slow reading tzdb.dat if the JRE is on a high-latency, remote file system
JDK-8026262 client-libs NPE in SystemFlavorMap.getAllNativesForType - regression in jdk8 b110 by fix of #JDK-8024987
JDK-8026344 core-libs j.u.c.a *Adder and *Accumulator extend a package private class that is Serializable
JDK-8026356 client-libs [macosx] Found one Java-level deadlock:"AWT-EventQueue-0" && main
JDK-8026405 xml javax/xml/ws/clientjar/TestWsImport.java failing on JDK 8 nightly aurora test runs
JDK-8026427 core-libs deprecate obsolete APIs from java.rmi
JDK-8026476 client-libs Choice does not get mouse events if it does not have enough place for popup menu
JDK-8026499 core-libs Root Logger level can be reset unexpectedly
JDK-8026502 core-libs java/lang/invoke/MethodHandleConstants.java fails on all platforms
JDK-8026508 tools Invokedynamic instructions don't get line number table entries
JDK-8026567 docs Use meaningful style names for strong and italic styles.
JDK-8026701 core-libs Array.prototype.splice is slow on dense arrays
JDK-8026702 client-libs Fix for 8025429 breaks jdk build on windows
JDK-8026705 client-libs [TEST_BUG] java/beans/Introspector/TestTypeResolver.java failed
JDK-8026749 tools Missing LV table in lambda bodies
JDK-8026753 security-libs JCE putback necessary for JDK-8025612
JDK-8026756 core-libs Test java/util/zip/GZIP/GZIPInZip.java fails after updating
JDK-8026758 tools Inefficient code in LambdaToMethod
JDK-8026761 deploy regression: javaws application cannot start under 7u45 - classloader libraries
JDK-8026770 docs javadoc creates invalid HTML in profile summary pages
JDK-8026772 globalization test/sun/util/resources/TimeZone/Bug6317929.java failing
JDK-8026780 client-libs Crash on PPC and PPC v2 for Java_awt test suit
JDK-8026789 core-svc Update test/java/lang/instrument/Re(transform|define)BigClass.sh test to use NMT for memory leak detection
JDK-8026791 tools wrong type_path encoded for method_return on an inner class constructor
JDK-8026794 core-libs Test tools/pack200/TimeStamp.java fails while opening golden.jar.native.IST on linux-ppc(v2)
JDK-8026805 core-libs Array.prototype.length doesn't work as expected
JDK-8026806 core-libs Incomplete test of getaddrinfo() return value could lead to incorrect exception for Windows Inet 6
JDK-8026818 hotspot Defmeth failures with -mode invoke
JDK-8026838 core-libs Fix new doclint issues in javax.annotation.processing
JDK-8026840 core-libs Fix new doclint issues in javax.naming
JDK-8026842 core-libs Remove Time-Zone IDs HST/EST/MST
JDK-8026854 core-libs java.time.temporal.TemporalQueries doesn't compile after javac modification to lambda flow analysis
JDK-8026855 tools AnnoConstruct.getAnnotationsByType includes inherited indirectly present annotations even when containee type is not inheritable
JDK-8026857 tools AnnoConstruct.getAnnotationsByType does not search supertype for inherited annotations if @SomeContainer({}) is present
JDK-8026858 core-libs Array length does not handle defined properties correctly
JDK-8026859 core-libs (fs) test/java/nio/file/Files/StreamTest.java fails to compile intermittently
JDK-8026861 tools Wrong LineNumberTable for variable declarations in lambdas
JDK-8026863 core-libs regression in anonymous Logger.setParent method
JDK-8026871 core-libs NASHORN TEST: Enable possibility to test Nashorn use of JavaFX canvas.
JDK-8026873 tools tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java fails in jprt because of jmc.ini
JDK-8026876 core-libs (fs) Build issue with src/solaris/classes/sun/nio/fs/SolarisUserDefinedFileAttributeView.java
JDK-8026880 core-libs NetworkInterface native initializing code should check fieldID values
JDK-8026893 hotspot Make 8026365 available to T&L early
JDK-8026929 security-libs remove accelerators from policytool resources
JDK-8026931 tools MethodParameters tests failing on Windows
JDK-8026936 tools Initialize LamdbaToMethod lazily and as required
JDK-8026945 hotspot Put closed/com/oracle/jfr/profiling/TestFullStackTrace.java into ProblemList.txt
JDK-8026951 client-libs Fix for 8025988 breaks jdk build on windows
JDK-8026955 core-libs for-in should convert primitive values to object
JDK-8026956 tools test tools/javac/lambda/TargetType58.java is failing after a libs change
JDK-8026962 core-svc Put java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean/LoadCounts.java into ProblemList.txt
JDK-8026982 core-libs javadoc errors in core libs
JDK-8026984 other-libs Clarity intended use of jdk.Exported
JDK-8027015 core-libs AutoCloseable no longer implements @FunctionalInterface
JDK-8027016 core-libs Array.prototype.indexOf should return -1 when array is of length zero
JDK-8027020 core-libs [regression] java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
JDK-8027024 core-libs String.prototype.charAt and charCodeAt do not evaluate 'self' and 'pos' arguments in right order
JDK-8027025 client-libs [macosx] getLocationOnScreen returns 0 if parent invisible
JDK-8027026 security-libs Change keytool -genkeypair to use -keyalg RSA
JDK-8027030 client-libs AWT Multiple JVM DnD Test Failing on Linux (OEL and Ubuntu) and Solaris (Sparc and x64)
JDK-8027031 core-libs Complete merging of loads and converts
JDK-8027037 core-libs Make ScriptObjectMirror conversions work for any JSObject
JDK-8027042 core-libs Evaluation order for binary operators can be improved
JDK-8027058 core-svc sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiBootstrapTest.sh Failed to initialize connector
JDK-8027062 core-libs Fix lint and doclint issues in java.lang.{ClassLoader, ClassValue, SecurityManager}
JDK-8027066 client-libs XMLDecoder in java 7 cannot properly deserialize object arrays
JDK-8027115 globalization clear extra l10n resource files in demo for jdk/src/closed repo
JDK-8027119 docs Cleanup javadoc comments for taglet API
JDK-8027128 core-libs jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject should be an interface
JDK-8027150 core-libs ScriptObjectListAdapter won't work as expected
JDK-8027151 client-libs AWT_DnD/Basic_DnD/Automated/DnDMerlinQL/MultipleJVM failing on windows machine
JDK-8027152 client-libs Regression: test closed/java/awt/Serialize/NullSerializationTest/NullSerializationTest.html fails since JDK 8 b112
JDK-8027155 core-libs test/java/io/File/NulFile.java failing when test run in othervm mode
JDK-8027157 client-libs [SwingNode] needs explicit expose for JWindow
JDK-8027169 client-libs Xrender: Cleaner version of the fix for 7159455 Nimbus scrollbar glitch
JDK-8027170 core-libs Annotations declared on super-super-class should be overridden by super-class.
JDK-8027176 core-libs Remove redundant jdk/lambda/vm/DefaultMethodsTest.java
JDK-8027191 tools Fix for JDK-8026861 refers to an incorrect bug number
JDK-8027220 tools DefaultMethodsTest: Change test to match spec
JDK-8027287 core-libs (fmt) incorrect example in Formatter javadoc
JDK-8027301 core-libs Optimizations for Function.prototype.apply
JDK-8027316 core-libs Distinct operation on an unordered stream should not be a barrier
JDK-8027318 core-libs Lambda Metafactory: generate serialization-hostile read/writeObject methods for non-serializable lambdas
JDK-8027327 tools jar files related to test test/tools/javac/ExtDirs/ExtDirTest.java should be removed from the repo
JDK-8027358 core-svc sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/LocalManagementTest.java failing since JDK-8004926
JDK-8027371 core-svc Add JDI tests for breakpointing and stepping in lambda code
JDK-8027442 client-libs JDK compilation fails on MacOS
JDK-8027447 core-libs The wrong string buffer is specified for stderr in $EXEC.
JDK-8027466 other-libs Revert jdk/THIRD_PARTY_README to known good version
JDK-8027481 tools jdeps to handle classes with the same package name in different JARs and correct profile for javax.crypto.*
JDK-8027484 xml Implementation error in SAX2DOM.java
JDK-8027526 security-libs CheckTipsAndVersions.java failing occasionally
JDK-8027532 core-libs nashorn should only use jdk8 apis in the compact1 profile
JDK-8027562 core-libs eval should load second and subsequent arguments for side effect
JDK-8027567 core-libs JDK 8 build failure: the correct version of GNU make is being rejected
JDK-8027570 core-libs NullPointerException in URLPermission.hashCode()
JDK-8027578 globalization Update German TimeZoneNames.properties files for translation consistency
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