webrev.ksh on Ubuntu 12.04

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at oracle.com
Thu Nov 14 10:55:29 PST 2013

I never commit my changes when generating a webrev, and I've never had a 
problem with that (for many years, that is). Yes, it issues a warning, 
but the rest of the script works fine. How exactly does it give up in 
your case?

PS. Please use Reply-All instead of Reply when replying to mailing list 

best regards,

On 11/14/2013 04:44 AM, Dave Pointon wrote:
> Awesome, TFT Anthony,
> I didn't know about the hg defpath comand, I shall investiagte further,
> but until then, if I don't commit, webrev complains (that I might need
> to commit) and gives up earlier - maybe webrev needs better help by way
> of properly explaining what the options actually do.
> BTW, the default path represents our (the IBM) clone path.
> Thanx again ,
> Best rgds ,
> Dave P
> On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 01:36 +0400, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> The .hg/hgrc in your repo seems to have an incorrect default-push path.
>> Here's mine for example:
>> [paths]
>> default = http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt/jdk
>> default-push = ssh://anthony@hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt-gate/jdk
>> Your hgrc should look somewhat similar (just replace the user name). I
>> think you forgot to run the hg defpath task after you've cloned your
>> repo. Alternatively, don't commit your changes and let webrev generate
>> the webrev based on uncommitted modifications.
>> --
>> best regards,
>> Anthony
>> On 11/14/2013 12:23 AM, Dave Pointon wrote:
>>> Hi all ,
>>> Can anyone tell me if they've experienced any problems with webrev.ksh
>>> running on Ubuntu 12.04 with Mercurial V2.7.2.
>>> Although I _have_ a committed change, I see this :
>>> $ ksh ./make/scripts/webrev.ksh
>>>      SCM detected: mercurial
>>> hg outgoing: invalid arguments
>>> hg: parse error: can't negate that
>>> expr: syntax error
>>>    No outgoing, perhaps you haven't commited.
>>>         Workspace: /home/dpointo8/work/repos/Mercurial/composite.OJDK-889
>>> Compare against: default =
>>> ssh://jtc-hg.hursley.ibm.com//home/hg/jtchg-ibm-adm/composite/80/jcl/head
>>>         Output
>>> to: /home/dpointo8/work/repos/Mercurial/composite.OJDK-889/webrev
>>>      Output Files:
>>>        index.html: Done.
>>> Output to: /home/dpointo8/work/repos/Mercurial/composite.OJDK-889/webrev
>>> and get an empty report as a result.
>>> Running ksh -x reveals the problem to be a command of the form 'hg
>>> outgoing default = /home/path/to/repo' which, self-evidently, mercurial
>>> can't and doesn't, make any sense of.
>>> My local fix at the moment is ...
>>> @@ -1957,7 +1957,12 @@
>>>                fi
>>>            fi
>>>        fi
>>> -    #
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +    # Ensure that the path is the only thing in the workspace path i.e.
>>> remove
>>> +    # any extraneous prefix such as 'default ='
>>> +    OUTPWS="`echo $OUTPWS | $AWK '{print $NF}'`"
>>> +
>>>        # OUTPWS may contain username:password, let's make sure we remove
>>> the
>>>        # sensitive information before we print out anything in the HTML
>>>        #
>>> Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
>>> TIA & rgds ,
>>> --
>>> Dave Pointon FIAP MBCS
>>> Now I saw, tho' too late, the folly of beginning a work before we count
>>> the cost and before we we judge rightly of our strength to go thro' with
>>> it - Robinson Crusoe

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