webrev.ksh on Ubuntu 12.04

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at oracle.com
Thu Nov 14 12:55:28 PST 2013

Did you try "our" (unmodified) webrev.ksh script from make/scripts/ of 
the top-level repo? Does it still fail for uncommitted changes?

best regards,

On 11/15/2013 12:50 AM, Dave Pointon wrote:
> Hi Anthony ,
> On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 22:55 +0400, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> I never commit my changes when generating a webrev, and I've never had a
>> problem with that (for many years, that is). Yes, it issues a warning,
>> but the rest of the script works fine. How exactly does it give up in
>> your case?
> 'hg outgoing: invalid arguments
> hg: parse error: can't negate that
> expr: syntax error'
> is the indicator - the nett result of which is that an empty report is
> generated along with the above errors.
> If I don't commit a change to my local clone, then my (modified)
> webrev.ksh fails to find anything on which to report - and thus produces
> an empty report but no errors.
>> PS. Please use Reply-All instead of Reply when replying to mailing list
>> messages.
> Reply all duly used :-)
>> --
>> best regards,
>> Anthony
>> On 11/14/2013 04:44 AM, Dave Pointon wrote:
>>> Awesome, TFT Anthony,
>>> I didn't know about the hg defpath comand, I shall investiagte further,
>>> but until then, if I don't commit, webrev complains (that I might need
>>> to commit) and gives up earlier - maybe webrev needs better help by way
>>> of properly explaining what the options actually do.
>>> BTW, the default path represents our (the IBM) clone path.
>>> Thanx again ,
>>> Best rgds ,
>>> Dave P
>>> On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 01:36 +0400, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>> The .hg/hgrc in your repo seems to have an incorrect default-push path.
>>>> Here's mine for example:
>>>> [paths]
>>>> default = http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt/jdk
>>>> default-push = ssh://anthony@hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt-gate/jdk
>>>> Your hgrc should look somewhat similar (just replace the user name). I
>>>> think you forgot to run the hg defpath task after you've cloned your
>>>> repo. Alternatively, don't commit your changes and let webrev generate
>>>> the webrev based on uncommitted modifications.
>>>> --
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Anthony
>>>> On 11/14/2013 12:23 AM, Dave Pointon wrote:
>>>>> Hi all ,
>>>>> Can anyone tell me if they've experienced any problems with webrev.ksh
>>>>> running on Ubuntu 12.04 with Mercurial V2.7.2.
>>>>> Although I _have_ a committed change, I see this :
>>>>> $ ksh ./make/scripts/webrev.ksh
>>>>>       SCM detected: mercurial
>>>>> hg outgoing: invalid arguments
>>>>> hg: parse error: can't negate that
>>>>> expr: syntax error
> <snip>
> Best rgds ,

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