[8] langtools DocCommentTester.java:109: error: cannot find symbol
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Mon Nov 25 12:04:28 PST 2013
The command as you posted it is this:
On 11/24/2013 06:57 PM, Francis ANDRE wrote:
> $
> 'Z:/JDK/jdk8/build/windows-x86-normal-server-release/images/j2sdk-image/bin/javac'
> -J
> -Xmx768m -J-Dtest.vm.opts=-Xmx768m
> -J-Dtest.class.path.prefix='Z:\JDK\jdk8\langtool
> s\build\windows-i586\test\langtools\jtreg\JTwork\classes\0\tools\javac\doctree;Z:\JDK\jdk8\langtool
> s\test\tools\javac\doctree'
> -J-Dtest.jdk='Z:\JDK\jdk8\build\windows-x86-normal-server-relea
> se\images\j2sdk-image' -J-Dtest.timeout.factor=1.0
> -J-Dtest.src.path='Z:\JDK\jdk8\l
> angtools\test\tools\javac\doctree' -J-Dtest.compiler.opts=
> -J-Dcompile.jdk='Z:\JDK\
> jdk8\build\windows-x86-normal-server-release\images\j2sdk-image'
> -J-Dtest.classes='Z:\JDK\j
> dk8\langtools\build\windows-i586\test\langtools\jtreg\JTwork\classes\0\tools\javac\doctree'
> -J-Dtest.class.path='Z:\JDK\jdk8\langtools\build\windows-i586\test\langtools\jtreg\JTwork\classes\
> 0\tools\javac\doctree' -J-Dtest.java.opts=
> -J-Dtest.src='Z:\JDK\jdk8\langtools\test
> \tools\javac\doctree' -J-Dtest.tool.vm.opts=-J-Xmx768m
> -verbose -Xdiags:verbose -d 'Z
> :\JDK\jdk8\langtools\build\windows-i586\test\langtools\jtreg\JTwork\classes\0\tools\javac\doctree'
> -cp
> 'Z:\JDK\jdk8\build\windows-x86-normal-server-release\images\j2sdk-image\lib\tools.jar;Z:\JDK\jd
> k8\langtools\build\windows-i586\test\langtools\jtreg\JTwork\classes\0\tools\javac\doctree;Z:\JDK\jd
> k8\langtools\test\tools\javac\doctree' -sourcepath
> 'Z:\JDK\jdk8\langtools\test\tools\javac\doctree'
> -XDignore.symbol.file=true
> 'Z:\JDK\jdk8\langtools\test\tools\javac\doctree\DocCommentTester.java'
If that is exactly what you are executing, the most obvious issue is the
use of \ instead of /. I think if you prefix the command with "echo"
you'll see that most of the \ will disappear, and that is why javac is
having trouble finding classes that are supposed to be on the
classpath. Try executing that same command with all the \ edited to
/. Note that jtreg does not know it is running in a cygwin
environment, so cannot output the rerun info with cygwin paths for you.
Of course, this does not address the problem of why the test was failing
for you in the first place, as part of the full jtreg run. For that,
I'll have to dig a bit deeper. It *may* be because of problems
invoking jtreg through the langtools/test/Makefile. There are many ways
that different people invoke the tests, so may be there are issues in
this particular path.
-- Jon
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