problem with filelist for multiple repo after 8026062

Weijun Wang at
Mon Nov 25 17:46:47 PST 2013

Hi Mike

The webrev.ksh command after 8026062 still somehow supports the old "wx" 
file as an argument. But when the files come from different repos, it 
has a problem finding the correct description line. It looks like the 
$FIRST_CREV variable was determined at an early stage and it is used for 
all files, and when working on a file in a child repo, line 1075

    comm=`hg log --rev $FIRST_CREV:tip --follow --template 'rev {rev} : 
{desc}\n' $logf`

fails showing

    abort: unknown revision '8824'!

where 8824 is the latest rev for the parent repo (jdk) but not that of 
child repo (jdk/test/closed) where the current file is in. The webrev 
still looks good, just without the description lines.

My command is "webrev -N -O -r -2 wx.file".


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