Coherent release process

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Thu Nov 12 14:53:18 UTC 2015

On 12.11.2015 04:42, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
 > if/when the OpenJDK project may develop a more coherent release plan?

You can find the plans for JDK 9 at . The plans for JDK 8 Updates are 
linked off the Project page of the corresponding JDK 8 Updates Project 
in the OpenJDK Community at .

The corresponding Project's mailing list, jdk8u-dev, is the right place 
to ask questions about JDK 8 Updates in OpenJDK. The JDK 8 Project has 
completed its work with the JDK 8 GA a while ago, so this list is 
largely dormant.

 > The lack of consistency among branches for different releases makes
 > it extremely hard to create a well defined build process for OpenJDK.

The separate Mercurial forests existed for the convenience of developing 
multiple releases with a large number of changes and features in 
parallel within a single OpenJDK Project (just as was the case for the 
JDK 7 Updates Project, fwiw).

For reasons discussed back in July, the JDK 8 Updates Project in OpenJDK 
no longer needs to do that. Accordingly, the jdk8u master and dev 
forests are adequate for our current needs. Please see 
for details.

If for some reason you strive to create your own build process for JDK 8 
Updates, I'd suggest subscribing at least to the jdk8u-dev, jdk9-dev and 
build-dev mailing lists.

Instructions for checking out the code for the latest release developed 
within the JDK 8 Updates Project in OpenJDK can be found on the 
Project's web page. Please keep in mind that CPU releases like 8u51 are 
not developed within OpenJDK Projects.

 > In addition the fact that the bug system is locked down

Please consult the "Account Eligibility" section of for the facts.

If you are not eligible for an account on JBS, because you're not an 
OpenJDK developer with an adequate role, you may still file issues 
through the web interface at

 > The following patch fixes this

Please see for how to contribute to 
OpenJDK Projects, and note in particular the requirements spelled out in 
section 0.

Of particular note for the contribution flow to the JDK 8 Updates 
Project is that changes to it will typically go through JDK 9 first.

So once your organization meets the requirements spelled out in the 
guide above, I'd suggest adjusting, testing and sending your proposed 
patch as plain text within an e-mail to the build-dev mailing list for 
JDK 9 first. Once it has been reviewed and pushed there, then you can 
follow up with a backport for the JDK 8 Updates Project. Details on the 
backport process can be found at the JDK 8 Updates page linked above.

 > As we rely heavily on being able to provide up to date, consistent,
 > secure OpenJDK builds to our customers

Unfortunately, I don't see your organization listed at so I'd like 
to again refer you to the guide for contributing to OpenJDK linked above.

dalibor topic

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