Coherent release process

Quanah Gibson-Mount quanah at
Fri Nov 20 03:56:24 UTC 2015

--On Friday, November 20, 2015 1:51 PM +1000 David Holmes 
<david.holmes at> wrote:

> Trivial patches can be accepted without the provider being an OCA
> signatory. However the patch must be provided using OpenJDK technology so
> it can't be taken from an external website, but if small enough should be
> included inline in an email message.

--- jdk8u60/common/bin/ 2015-08-10 16:29:42.271352215 +0000
+++ jdk8u60/common/bin/      2015-08-10 16:36:53.427337849 +0000
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@
           # run the clone command.
-          echo "hg${global_opts} clone ${clone_newrepo} ${i}" > 
-          (PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} clone ${clone_newrepo} 
${i}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
+          echo "hg${global_opts} clone ${command_args} ${clone_newrepo} 
${i}" > ${status_output}
+          (PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} clone ${command_args} 
${clone_newrepo} ${i}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
           # run the command.
           echo "cd ${i} && hg${global_opts} ${command} ${command_args}" > 


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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