Coherent release process

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Fri Nov 27 11:59:47 UTC 2015

On 20.11.2015 04:39, Andrew Hughes wrote:
>> The corresponding Project's mailing list, jdk8u-dev, is the right place
>> to ask questions about JDK 8 Updates in OpenJDK. The JDK 8 Project has
>> completed its work with the JDK 8 GA a while ago, so this list is
>> largely dormant.
> Is there a good reason for this practice?


A JDK Release Project like JDK 8 is very different from a JDK 8 Updates 
Project, even though one provides the source code necessary to seed the 

As a trivial example of the differences, a JDK Release Project works 
towards a single release, and then it's done. A JDK Updates Project 
tends to work on multiple releases in parallel, provided at a higher 
frequency. Accordingly, the processes, the development life cycle, etc. 
are quite different. It's much simpler to start from a clean slate in a 
new Project, then to retrofit an existing one for a new purpose.

> Having seen this happen with
> both 7/7u and 8/8u mailing lists, it would seem to make sense to keep
> one mailing list instead when 9 goes GA, to avoid this confusion.


Please see : "A Project may have web 
content, one or more file repositories, and one or more mailing lists"

Mailing lists are Project-specific. Once a Project finishes its work, 
its mailing list(s) eventually gets dormant and archived, rather than 
reused for other Projects. See 
for an example.

dalibor topic

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