Building openjdk 8 on windows10: i18n problems, linker error

Sriram Narayanan sriramnrn at
Mon Dec 19 08:06:54 UTC 2016

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 5:01 AM, Peter Koellner <peter at> wrote:

> Hi!
> just to inform whever might be3 interested that I solved the problem.
> Well, more specifically, I fetched the OpenJDK Cookbook from Packt
> Publishing and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 I had
> lying around on a new VM.
> I then installed the following:
> - cygwin 32 bit version 2.6 (had to change common/autoconf/basics_windows.m4
> version check, replaced 1.7 by 2.6) with curl, wget, autogen, automake,
> autoconf, m4, make, zip, unzip, procps-ng, emacs, binutils
> - Microsoft Windows 7 SDK with .NET Framework 3.5 (probably not necessary,
> it did not really work, got errors about Visual SDtudio environment being
> incomplete).
> - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (the one from the Visual Studio installer
> hangs on setup)
> - Visual Studio 10 C++ Express from
> download/1/E/5/1E5F1C0A-0D5B-426A-A603-1798B951DDAE/VS2010Express1.iso)
> - directX 9.0 SDK summer 2004 from some web location though i have no idea
> what it is needed for
> - 32 bit oracle JDK 8u111 from oracle download page to c:/openjdk/bootjdk
> - freetype 32 bit downloaded from the GnuWin32 project following
> ./configure instructions
> I then configured the jdk8 sources with
> #!/bin/bash
> ./configure --with-boot-jdk=c:/openjdk/bootjdk \
>             --with-target-bits=32 \
>             --enable-unlimited-crypto \
>             --with-cacerts-file=c:/openjdk/cacerts \
>             --disable-debug-symbols \
>             --disable-zip-debug-info \
>             --with-milestone=conectalex \
>             --with-build-number=666 \
>             --disable-ccache
> ccache produced some strange errors in jdk build, so I had to disable it.
> after that, the jdk compiles and java seems to work...

How did you test ? What are your acceptance criteria?

> regards
>   Peter
> --
> peter kollner <peter at>

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