Request backport JDK-8036619
Alejandro E Murillo
alejandro.murillo at
Fri Mar 14 20:45:55 UTC 2014
On 3/14/2014 2:04 AM, Mario Torre wrote:
> On Thu, 2014-03-06 at 10:43 -0700, Alejandro E Murillo wrote:
> Hi Alejandro,
> Thanks for the reply.
>> (1) Mark the bugs appropriately according to the development phase of
>> the targeted JDK
>> - For instance, 7u60 is in RDP2 now, so bugs should be marked
>> appropriately and approved
>> before changes can be pushed to the hotspot repo.
> I'm not sure what's the "appropriate" marking for this bug. Also, should
> I create a new bug report?
> As for the rest, I just sent a mail to the hotspot-dev mailing list. I
> don't have access to JPRT so I can't push it myself.
> Cheers,
> Mario
Hi Mario,
Looks like you are requesting a backport to 8u (8 will be released very
for that release no special permission is required to push the change, so
no need to enter any info to the bug or create one. The backport will be
when the change is pushed
The hotspot development repo for 8u20 is: jdk8u/hs-dev/hotspot
please provide the webrev against that.
You only need to get your webrev reviewed, once that's done then ping me
and I can get the committed patch, with the appropriate reviewers,
and push it for you via JPRT.
Also, with so many active releases is better to use a more standard
subject for that
email request, in this case something like this:
[8u20] RFR (size): 8036619: Shark: add LLVM 3.4 support
RFR = Request for Review
size = size of the review, can be: XS, S, M, L
since the change applied cleanly, perhaps getting the ok from the reviewers
of the changeset on jdk9 should be enough.
Please resend the request with the appropriate subject and webrev,
and let me know if something is not clear
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