Can we use -source 1.8 for 8u60?
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at
Sat Feb 21 00:25:01 UTC 2015
Generally, the rule is that most of the code base for any JDK N
is that it can use -source N.
The primary exception is the code for javac, which is constrained
to use -source N-1 and the API for JDK N-1. This constraint allows
us to build a version of javac which can be used to build the rest
of JDK.
-- Jon
On 02/20/2015 07:07 AM, Stanislav Baiduzhyi wrote:
> On Friday 20 February 2015 15:57:33 Mario Torre wrote:
>> Wouldn't that make it impossible to build with a jdk7?
> Lambda expressions are already used in jdk8 MetalLookAndFeel:
> $ grep -e '->'
> jdk/src/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/metal/
> LazyValue dialogBorder = t -> new MetalBorders.DialogBorder();
> LazyValue questionDialogBorder = t -> new
> MetalBorders.QuestionDialogBorder();
> "ToolBar.rolloverBorder", (LazyValue) t ->
> MetalBorders.getToolBarRolloverBorder(),
> "ToolBar.nonrolloverBorder", (LazyValue) t ->
> MetalBorders.getToolBarNonrolloverBorder(),
> "RootPane.frameBorder", (LazyValue) t -> new
> MetalBorders.FrameBorder(),
> "RootPane.errorDialogBorder", (LazyValue) t -> new
> MetalBorders.ErrorDialogBorder(),
> "RootPane.warningDialogBorder", (LazyValue) t -> new
> MetalBorders.WarningDialogBorder(),
> So I would assume that to use or not to use Java 8 source constructs depends
> on where exactly you want to use them.
>> 2015-02-20 15:50 GMT+01:00 Attila Szegedi <attila.szegedi at>:
>>> Quick question: are we allowed to use Java 8 source constructs for code
>>> going into 8u-dev for 8u60? I'd need to evolve an interface in Nashorn by
>>> adding a method to it and would like to provide a default implementation
>>> for it.
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