[8u-communication] JDK 8u66 timeline

Rob McKenna rob.mckenna at oracle.com
Tue Jul 14 18:36:10 UTC 2015

I've published a proposal for the key milestone dates relating to the 
8u66 release:


June 2015	8u-dev forests begin collecting 8u66 fixes (completed)
July 2015	RampDown 2 (Fork for the stabilization forests)
October 2015	GA

Note that these timelines are preliminary only and are subject to 
change. Please refer to the JDK 8 milestones definition page [1] for a 
summary of what each milestone consists of. Please submit objections by 
Friday the 17th of July 2015.

As you can see, the 8u66 proposed Rampdown 2 milestone is approaching. 
Please aim to have all 8u66 planned fixes addressed by the third week in 
July. The 8u66 RDP2 build is planned for the week of July 27th and fixes 
need to be in the team forests 1 week before that for PIT testing.

Once we enter RDP2, the always-open jdk8u repo will start collecting 
fixes for 8u72. Only showstopper bugs should be considered
for fixing in 8u66 after that milestone.



[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/milestones

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