CFV: New JDK8u Committer: Michael Haupt

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at
Thu Nov 5 09:13:13 UTC 2015

I hereby nominate Michael Haupt to jdk8u Committer.

Michael has made many contributions in several areas of the JDK [1]

Michael is part of the Nashorn team; his focus is on dynamic language 
implementations. He also collaborates with the Valhalla project for 
value types. Prior to joining Nashorn, Michael worked briefly in the 
HotSpot compiler team. He has been an Oracle employee since 2011, which 
is when he joined the Virtual Machine Research Group at Oracle Labs, 
where he has worked on the Maxine meta-circular JVM and on dynamic 
language implementations. He used to be the tech lead of the FastR 
project, a high-performance Java-based implementation of the R 
programming language. Michael has also contributed to the 
LambdaForm-based java.lang.invoke infrastructure in the past.

He is JDK9 Committer [2].

Votes are due by Nov, 19, 2015

Only current JDK8u Committers [3] are eligible to vote on this 
nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [4].

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov


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