JDK9 "SSL" enhancements backport to JDK8

Alen Vrečko alen.vrecko at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 17:52:24 UTC 2015

Hi, Xuelei.

To put things into perspective. I ran a simulation of https production
load on the venerable E5620 machines. A simple server client set-up
sending dummy data no other processing overhead. (took care of
coordinated omission). On JDK8u65 the plain old SSLServerSocket code
took literally 50% of all CPU resources. I see a consistent load
factor of ~8 out of 16. Running the same exact bytecode (compiled with
JDK8u65) on JDK9b92, I see a consistent load factor of ~1 out of 16.
That is ~6% of all CPU availability.

Profiling with YourKit revealed that massive amounts of time are spent
in the crypto (~92%). The ghash#update in particulary screams out on
JDK8. On JDK9 things are significantly better. ghash#update only takes
~2% CPU time while on JDK8 it takes ~45%. Just some rough ballparks.

Fundamentally I'd like to see a future JDK8uN to give me a similar
load factor as seen currently with JDK9b92. I am still pretty blown
away with the difference.

The related commits look pretty self-contained. I'd most probably
botch the job if I backport myself. You're the experts here. ;)


2015-11-18 15:09 GMT+01:00 Xuelei Fan <Xuelei.Fan at oracle.com>:
> Hi Alen,
> Except JDK-8046943, what else enhancements would you like to see in JDK 8u?
> What's the requirement for each backport?
> Thanks,
> Xuelei
> On 11/18/2015 1:02 AM, Alen Vrečko wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Any ideas if/when the enhancement to "SSL" in JDK9 will make it to JDK8?
>> The improvements are quite substantial to say the least.
>> I could not find any info regarding back-porting in
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8046943
>> and related issues.
>> Best regards.
>> Alen

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