openjdk8u stable 32bit for windows build environment

Alex Kashchenko akashche at
Tue Dec 20 18:55:06 UTC 2016

Hi Peter,

On 12/20/2016 03:45 PM, Peter Koellner wrote:
> [...]
> - What exact windows version do I need to build the 32bit stable release
> build? Do I need a 32bit Windows for that? Which one? XP? Windows 7?
> Windows 8? Windows Server 2008? R2?

According to wiki [1] Windows 2008 R2 64-bit works for building 32-bit 
jdk8. I think any recent (Win7+) version should work.

> - cygwin 32 bit is now at version 2.6. Does this work or do I need some
> ancient version?

I don't think there are strict requirements about Cygwin version. I can 
suggest using a version that was current at the time of jdk8 release 
(early 2014).

> - What exact version of the freetype library do I have to install? I
> followed the installation instructions from the .configure script.

I think any 2.3+ version of a FreeType should work.

> - I am using Visual Studio C++ Express 2010 as below:

VS2010 Express should be enough to build 32-bit binaries. You'll need 
VS2010 Pro or WinSDK 7.1 for 64-bit ones.

> [...]
> Well, I have a spanish windows now,

I can suggest using only english windows locale for jdk builds.

> [...]



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