[8u-dev] Request for approval for CR 8130735: javax.swing.TimerQueue: timer fires late when another timer starts

Anton Litvinov anton.litvinov at oracle.com
Wed Feb 3 15:31:39 UTC 2016

Hello Rob,

Thank you for approval for push of this backport fix. Yes, there is a 
reason of absence of the regression test in the original fix. Originally 
the author of the fix had intention to mark the bug with "noreg-hard" 
label, but, probably, occasionally it was not marked. Please find the phrase

"it is hard to write a stable test scenario, so the bug is labeled 

in the next e-mail from the review thread. I would like to inform you 
that "noreg-hard" label has just been added to the bug record.
E-mail from the review thread: 

Thank you,

On 2/3/2016 6:03 PM, Rob McKenna wrote:
> Actually, is there a reason this doesn't have a test? If not, please 
> add one. If so, please add a noreg label.
>     -Rob
> On 03/02/16 15:02, Rob McKenna wrote:
>> Approved
>>      -Rob
>> On 03/02/16 14:21, Anton Litvinov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to request for approval to push a straight backport of the
>>> fix from JDK 9 to JDK 8. The patch from JDK 9 applies well to JDK 8
>>> after correction of a file path.
>>> Please note that the author of the fix Semyon Sadetsky and two 
>>> reviewers
>>> of the fix Alexander Scherbatiy, Sergey Bylokhov are added to Cc: of
>>> this message.
>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8130735
>>> JDK 9 changeset:
>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/client/jdk/rev/5eca1e6a1236
>>> JDK 9 review thread:
>>>      Approval 1 -
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/swing-dev/2015-July/004688.html
>>>      Approval 2 -
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/swing-dev/2015-July/004689.html
>>> Reviewers: alexsch, serb, azvegint
>>> Thank you,
>>> Anton

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