[8u-dev] Request for enhancement backport approval for JDK-8194642: Improve OOM error reporting for JDK8

Fairoz Matte fairoz.matte at oracle.com
Thu Mar 8 10:36:23 UTC 2018


Please approve the small enhancement for 8u-dev

JBS link - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8194642 

Webrev - http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~fmatte/8194642/webrev.01/ 

Review thread - http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-compiler-dev/2018-March/028378.html 

This small enhancement is partial backport of JDK-8064814  JDK-8026324 JDK-8026333 and JDK-8026336.

Benefits: Compared to JDK9, JDK8u version of the error reporting has too little information on native OOM related problems. 
This enhancement is to improve the error reporting to handle possible reasons for OOM. 

Such as 
1. (+/-)UseCompressedOops 
2. 32 bit 
3. Possible suggestions for 64 bit (Already exist with more specific cases)

Risks: There is no risk, code changes are part of error reporting, that will be invoked only during crash.


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