[8u-dev] Request for approval for CR 8211933: [8u] hotspot adlc needs to link statically with libstdc++ for gcc7.3

Kevin Walls kevin.walls at oracle.com
Thu Oct 25 09:53:23 UTC 2018


I'd like to request approval to push to 8u:

8211933: [8u] hotspot adlc needs to link statically with libstdc++ for 
JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8211933

8u webrev:

build-dev review thread:

Essentially this adds -static-libstdc++ for linking adlc during an 8u 
build. This is needed e.g. when we build with gcc7.x using our devkit 
bundle and we won't necessarily find a correct version of that library 
on the system.  adlc is only used at build time, so this doesn't affect 
how e.g. libjvm is linked.

(I am trying to add noreg-build and 9-na labels, but can't get in to jbs 
right now.)


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