Changes to 8u and 11u process

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at
Thu Aug 8 23:24:13 UTC 2019

On 08/08/2019 12:26, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:


>> But people being less involved in 
>> the updates project probably come up with changes of their own for which 
>> the established process holds and thus never get in touch with this 
>> "shortcut rule".
> I suspect what would really happen is this: non-involved people would look into JIRA, discover
> issues that are pushed without approval (oblivious of the shortcut rule), assume no approval is
> needed for their issue at hand, push their non-Oracle-existing backport without approvals. That's
> what you would get for having exceptions in the ruleset. Please do not shortcut.
> -Aleksey

That's a good point. We already have confusion over when reviews are
required, without adding further complication.
Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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