[8u] RFR: 8232019: Add LuxTrust certificate updates to the existing root program

Severin Gehwolf sgehwolf at redhat.com
Tue Dec 17 19:30:04 UTC 2019


Could I please get a review of this OpenJDK 8u backport of 8232019. The
JDK 11 patch did not apply cleanly for a couple of reasons:

   1. 8u still has the binary blob for cacerts (JDK-8193255 not
      backported, yet). Instead, I've updated to the revision in jdk11u,
      performed a build and copied the cacerts binary to 8u.
   2. JDK-8225392 not present in 8u, which added the checksum to
      VerifyCACerts.java. Thus, the 8u backport does not include this
      hunk. @bug annotation modified manually for the same reason.

Everything else is the same.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8232019
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sgehwolf/webrevs/JDK-8232019/jdk8/01/webrev/

Testing: sun/security/lib/cacerts/VerifyCACerts.java and
         Pass, except for ActalisCA.java which is problem-listed and still
         broken in HEAD (JDK-8224768)


If reviewed, I'll try to get this in 8u242 via the critical fix request
label workflow.


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