8u222 Rampdown

Hohensee, Paul hohensee at amazon.com
Fri Jun 14 21:14:24 UTC 2019

I see that the 3 from Zhengyu have been tagged jd8u-critical-request (not by me, though). I can push them to jdk8u if you like after they're tagged jdk8u-critical-yes.


On 6/14/19, 1:05 PM, "jdk8u-dev on behalf of Andrew John Hughes" <jdk8u-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net on behalf of gnu.andrew at redhat.com> wrote:

    Hi all,
    There are a number of fixes in the Oracle 8u222 list [0] that have not
    yet been backported to OpenJDK 8u222. To avoid work duplication, I
    suggest we publicly the remaining work to assigned individuals (and
    after that, for the October CPU, 8u232).
    Fixes should be flagged with both jdk8u-fix-request and
    jdk8u-critical-request to ensure they make 8u222. The primary commit,
    once the fix is reviewed and the bug has jdk8u-critical-yes, should be
    to jdk8u and the weekly sync will bring it into jdk8u-dev.
    The allocations I've included are those I'm aware of, primarily from our
    own internal Red Hat allocation process. If you are also working on a
    particular bug, please let us know.
    The list of remaining issues is:
    JDk-8208648 (Amazon)
    JDK-8203228 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8201317 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8218781 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8215982 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes, waiting on public fix from Oracle)
    JDK-8209775 (Red Hat: Mario Torre)
    JDK-8214935 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8213294 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8210153 (Red Hat: Mario Torre)
    JDK-8208698 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8203872 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8191404 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8181594 (Amazon)
    JDK-8040211 (Red Hat: Andrew Hughes)
    JDK-8218605 (Red Hat: Roman Kennke)
    JDK-8215210 (Red Hat: Roman Kennke)
    JDK-8194653 (Red Hat: Andrew Dinn)
    Note that many of these are inter-dependent. Although there are a number
    of IANA issues, they apply on top of each other, one after the other. I
    have JDK-8208698 largely backported, but it depends on the code from
    JDK-8181594 being present.
    There are also a number that have been pushed to jdk8u-dev
    (openjdk8u232), but need the jdk8u-critical-request label and pushing to
    jdk8 to make 8u222:
    JDK-8221412 (Zhengyu Gu)
    JDK-8221263 (Zhengyu Gu)
    JDK-8212202 (Zhengyu Gu)
    [0] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=36456
    Andrew :)
    Senior Free Java Software Engineer
    Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
    PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
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