RFR: [8u] JDK-8218781: Localized names for Japanese Era Reiwa in COMPAT provider

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Sun Jun 30 14:47:17 UTC 2019

On 6/21/19 4:46 PM, Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8218781
> Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/openjdk8/8218781/webrev.01/
> OpenJDK 8u uses an older version of the CLDR data to 9, and is thus
> missing a number of locale data files updated by the original version of
> 8218781. Thus, some chunks are absent from the 8u backport.
> In most cases, this actually makes no difference in testing, because the
> locale data files for hr, in, lt, nl and sv simply duplicate the English
> values. Thus, the only ones that fail the test are no (uses a short era
> of "R") and sr_Latn ("Reiva").
> I propose that we apply 8218781 for the locales we have now, and look at
> backporting updated CLDR data for 8u232 or 8u242. The updates -
> primarily JDK-8008577 - are tied up with configuration changes which we
> don't want to import to 8, so a backport will require some work and
> significant testing.
> In short, please review this patch, taking into consideration that some
> locales will be absent and that data is duplicated for others
> (JDK-8159943, not in 8u, makes the short and long eras use a shared
> variable where they are identical)

OK. I agree that makes sense. I wonder if Oracle will do the same.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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