JDK-8217305, JDK-8209002 and fixes

Hohensee, Paul hohensee at amazon.com
Thu Mar 7 19:46:51 UTC 2019

I tagged JDK-8217305 with jdk8u-fix-request.


On 3/6/19, 11:58 PM, "jdk8u-dev on behalf of Kevin Walls" <jdk8u-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net on behalf of kevin.walls at oracle.com> wrote:

    8209002 is a follow-on bug from 8034788 (I added a link), BUT I see now 
    that 8209002 is actually not a public bug, although we reviewed it and 
    pushed it in public.
    I presume when JDK-8209002 was logged, being not public was probably 
    because it was reported by something relating to an installer or not in 
    the open, or it was thought it might be our internal process issue.  The 
    actual fix relates to the build scripts, but by that point the bug 
    description/notes may contain  non-public machines/info in notes.
    8217305 is more recent, and a very similar change.  They aren't really 
    related, not sure they should be linked, although the changes are so 
    8209002 changes JDK_VER.
    8217305 changes JDK_FVER.
    8217305 is not a confidential bug, but I haven't yet done an open review 
    for that one.  The required diff is below to clarify what it's about.  
    If there's impact to the open builds we can do the review/approval 
    required to get it there...
    --- a/common/autoconf/flags.m4    Wed Feb 27 10:51:09 2019 -0800
    +++ b/common/autoconf/flags.m4    Thu Feb 28 02:55:32 2019 -0800
    @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
              -d \"JDK_COPYRIGHT=Copyright \xA9 $COPYRIGHT_YEAR\" \
              -d \"JDK_NAME=\$(PRODUCT_NAME) \$(JDK_RC_PLATFORM_NAME) 
    -        -d \"JDK_FVER=\$(JDK_MINOR_VERSION),\$(JDK_MICRO_VERSION),\$(if 
    +        -d \"JDK_FVER=\$(JDK_MINOR_VERSION),\$(JDK_MICRO_VERSION),\$(if 
    On 06/03/2019 19:19, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
    > Hi,
    > There is a public issue that is apparently fixed in 8u212 and 8u222:
    >    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8217305
    > However, it seems that the fix went here:
    >    https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u-dev/rev/499617980681
    > ...and there is a public review thread:
    >    https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk8u-dev/2018-August/007792.html
    > ...and the relevant issue is not public:
    >    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209002
    > Is there anything special about JDK-8209002? Can it be made public and linked to JDK-8217305?
    > CC'ing Kevin who is apparently the committer for both fixes. And David, who is trapped in being the
    > contact person for this kind of stuff over and over again.
    > Thanks,
    > -Aleksey

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