OpenJDK 8u212 status

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at
Tue Mar 12 14:58:02 UTC 2019

Hi there,

as of today, we have the official release version "openjdk8u212" set up in the JBS bug system. I've updated all bug items for the recent jdk8u pushes to use openjdk8u212 as "Fix Version".

We'd like to promote the work from the jdk8u-dev mercurial forest to the jdk8u forest for release stabilization as soon as possible. We're currently waiting for the following issues: -> waiting for push by Kevin -> Severin working on it -> waiting for final review and push by Andrew -> waiting for push by Aleksey -> handled by Andrew. Approval is there, but no RFR?

Once these are in, I'll add the tag jdk8u201-b00 and promote to jdk8u.

I also suggest to suspend fix approvals for 8u until the jdk8u-dev->jdk8u promotion happened and jdk8u-dev is set up for openjdk8u222.

Best regards

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