OpenJDK 8u212 status
Andrew John Hughes
gnu.andrew at
Tue Mar 12 20:59:13 UTC 2019
On 12/03/2019 14:58, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi there,
> as of today, we have the official release version “openjdk8u212” set up
> in the JBS bug system. I’ve updated all bug items for the recent jdk8u
> pushes to use openjdk8u212 as “Fix Version”.
> We’d like to promote the work from the jdk8u-dev mercurial forest to the
> jdk8u forest for release stabilization as soon as possible. We’re
> currently waiting for the following issues:
> -> waiting for push by
> Kevin
> -> Severin working on it
> -> waiting for final
> review and push by Andrew
For clarity, I can't review my own patch. Another 8u reviewer needs to
do so before I can push it.
> -> waiting for push by
> Aleksey
> -> handled by Andrew.
> Approval is there, but no RFR?
This depends on
I haven't posted an RFR for that either because I currently have three
pending for over 24 hours:
All of these are pretty trivial patches, so I'm curious why they've not
been reviewed yet.
Paul & Aleksey are both 8u reviewers. Are we in a position to propose
any more?
> Once these are in, I’ll add the tag jdk8u201-b00 and promote to jdk8u.
> I also suggest to suspend fix approvals for 8u until the
> jdk8u-dev->jdk8u promotion happened and jdk8u-dev is set up for
> openjdk8u222.
Suspending approvals at present will block JDK-8193764 and thus JDK-8189761.
However, I don't intend to approve any more bugs until we've branched.
> Best regards
> Christoph
Best regards,
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (
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