[8u-dev] RFR for non-clean backport of 8154156: PPC64: improve array copy stubs by using vector instructions

Kazunori Ogata OGATAK at jp.ibm.com
Thu Mar 28 12:55:37 UTC 2019


May I get review for non-clean backport of 8154156: PPC64: improve array 
copy stubs by using vector instructions?

This is the same change as I posted in January [1], but I updated the 
patch based on the latest jdk8u-dev tree.  As we've had ppc-expert 
reviewers in jdk8u-dev community, I'd like to request for review.

Original patch: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/c9d756fa846e
Weberv: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~horii/jdk8u_aes_be/8154156/webrev.02/

I confirmed it was buildable for both release and fastdebug builds, and 
JTREG caused no degradation.



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