RFR: 8233995: java.vm.vendor (and potentially other properties/fields) not correctly set in Windows/Hotspot build of OpenJDK8

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Wed Nov 13 22:39:30 UTC 2019

Hi Andrew,

thanks for looking into my webrev.

> Indeed, the build system did change in OpenJDK 9 with "JDK-8150601:
> Remove the old Hotspot build system". As JDK-8189761: COMPANY_NAME,
> IMPLEMENTOR, BUNDLE_VENDOR, VENDOR, but no configure flag" occurred
> later than this, the HotSpot parts of the 8189761 had to be constructed
> from scratch when I backported it. Not having access to Windows myself,
> I'm reliant on others to test the changes there and report breakage.

Ah, I didn't do that bug-archeology. Good to know.

> Looking over this patch, and comparing with what we do for
> AIX/Solaris/BSD/Linux in 8189761, I have two questions:
> 1. We echo the values of VENDOR, VENDOR_URL, VENDOR_URL_BUG and
> VENDOR_URL_VM_BUG to local.make in build.make, in much the same way
> as
> buildtree.make does for the other platforms. Any idea why that is not
> sufficient and these need to be also added to defs.make? If the
> build.make variables aren't being set, that has an impact for other
> variables too. I notice ZIPEXE is in both places, with no checks in the
> defs.make case:
> hotspot/make/windows/build.make:        @ if "$(ZIPEXE)" NEQ "" echo
> ZIPEXE=$(ZIPEXE)           >> $@
> hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/defs.make:MAKE_ARGS +=
> If possible, it would be better to fix the underlying issue rather than
> papering over it.

Well, for Unix-ish builds, "make buildtree.make ..." gets called (e.g. from hotspot/make/linux/Makefile) and buildtree.mak includes spec.gmk and hence has access to all values.
For Windows, however, we hand over to nmake. "nmake build.make ..." gets called from hotspot/make/Makefile and build.make does not include spec.gmk - it probably can't since nmake/gnumake have different syntax. Hence, the only way to pass arguments to build.make is via MAKE_ARGS in defs.make.

I don't see an easy fix here...

The handling of ZIPEXE seems correct, too.

> 2. The checks added in vm.make are done by configure for the other
> builds and assembled into VERSION_CFLAGS. To avoid duplication  in
> vm.make, is it possible to just use VERSION_CFLAGS there as the other
> systems do? If Windows can't handle the -D syntax that uses, maybe a
> better solution is to setup VERSION_WINFLAGS in the same place with the
> correct syntax?

Hm, maybe we can try to pass VERSION_CFLAGS via MAKE_ARGS and use it in vm.make. I'll give it a try. Stay tuned...

Best regards

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