[8u] TLSv1.3 RFR: 8245653: Remove 8u TLS tests
Martin Balao
mbalao at redhat.com
Tue Aug 11 19:03:42 UTC 2020
The goal of Step 10 - 8245653 is to remove those SSL-related test files
that have changed in JDK-11 (11.0.7), so we can replace them with the
new version in Step 11 - 8245681.
With SSL-related test we mean the following test categories:
* test/com/sun/net/ssl
* test/javax/net/ssl
* test/sun/net/www/protocol/https
* test/sun/security/ssl
* test/sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc
Check that Step 10 only contains deleted files (no new files nor
* Ok
* There are a few 'modification' exceptions that were manually
reviewed. All of them are opportunistic minor changes (such as removing
unused imports) requested in the previous review comments, and overall
help to improve the alignment between JDK-8 and JDK-11 version of the
same tests.
Check that all deleted files were effectively changed in JDK-11:
* test/com/sun/net/ssl
* Ok
* test/javax/net/ssl
* Ok
* test/sun/net/www/protocol/https
* Ok
* test/sun/security/ssl
* Ok
* test/sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc
* Ok
Check that there are no files changed in JDK-11 that were not deleted here:
* test/com/sun/net/ssl
* Ok
* test/javax/net/ssl
* Ok
* test/sun/net/www/protocol/https
* Ok
* test/sun/security/ssl
* Ok
* test/sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc
* Ok
Check there are no SSL-related tests in JDK-8 not present in JDK-11:
* test/com/sun/net/ssl
* Ok
* test/javax/net/ssl
* Ok
* test/sun/net/www/protocol/https
* Ok
* test/sun/security/ssl
* Ok
* test/sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc
* Ok
Check that TLS 1.3 patch (8196584) do not affect other tests out of
SSL-related test categories:
* test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto
* In JDK-8 we won't delete SSL-related tests in this category because
we offer backward-compatibility support for Kerberos cipher suites. In
Step 11+ I'll check that we have no regressions here -if I'm right,
Alexey already checked that in the context of Step 7-.
* Changes on the following files will be addressed at a later step:
* test/jdk/ProblemList.txt
* test/jdk/com/sun/jndi/ldap/DeadSSLLdapTimeoutTest.java
* test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/MockServer.java
* Opportunistic change in debug prints. Not strictly necessary but we
may include it as well.
* test/jdk/sun/security/ec/TestEC.java
* test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ClientAuth.java
* test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ClientAuth.sh
* test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/PrintSSL.java
Other comments that are part of this review: [1], [2], [3] and [4].
With that said, Step 10 - 8245653 Webrev.03 looks good to me.
NOTE: Webrev.04 won't be used, for the reasons expressed in [5].
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
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