[8u] TLSv1.3 RFR: 8245681: Add TLSv1.3 regression test from 11.0.7
Martin Balao
mbalao at redhat.com
Mon Aug 24 21:04:15 UTC 2020
On 8/24/20 5:18 PM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thank you for this finding.
> OCSPNonceExtensionTests.java and ResponderId/ResponderIdTests.java classes are added.
> New webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~abakhtin/tls1.3/8245466/8245681/webrev.v4/
> Git diff: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~abakhtin/tls1.3/8245466/8245681/webrev.v4/jdk.git.diff
In Step 11 - 8245681 we will add the 11.0.7 version of tests removed in
Step 10 - 8245653. These SSL-related tests were modified or added with
the new SunJSSE TLS engine in 8196584 and related patches. It's still
not the expectation to pass all tests in this step, as JDK-8 adjustments
may be needed and will be addressed in a later step (Step 15 - 8251478).
* Files deleted in Step 10 that were not added as new in Step 11:
* test/javax/net/ssl/SSLSession/testEnabledProtocols.java (deleted)
* Ok, does not exist in 11.0.7.
* test/sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/OriginServer.java
* Ok, does not exist in 11.0.7.
* test/sun/security/ssl/SSLEngineImpl/CloseInboundException.java (deleted)
* Ok, does not exist in 11.0.7.
* test/sun/security/ssl/SessionIdCollisionTest.java (deleted)
* Ok, does not exist in 11.0.7.
* Check no file modified in Step 10 is added in Step 11.
* Ok
* Check that this patch only adds new files
* Ok
* Check that for each removed test in Step 10 - 8245653, there we have
the corresponding test added in this step
* Ok
* Check that with the new files added in this step (not previously
present in JDK-8); there are no differences in the test files for all
SSL-related categories, except for tests not supposed to be there such
as DTLS:
* sun/security/ssl
* DTLS tests -> does not apply
* Stapling/TEST.properties -> does not apply
* internal/TEST.properties -> does not apply
* Ok
* javax/net/ssl
* DTLS tests -> does not apply
* HttpsURLConnection/Equals.java
* Not TLS specific. Should be addressed separately.
* Stapling/TEST.properties -> does not apply
* TLS/TEST.properties -> does not apply
* TLSv1/TEST.properties -> does not apply
* TLSv11/TEST.properties -> does not apply
* finalize/SSLSessionFinalizeTest.java -> Not related to TLSv1.3
implementation. Non-trivial backport. Ok.
* finalize/security.policy -> Not related to TLSv1.3 implementation.
Non-trivial backport. Ok.
* Ok
* com/sun/net/ssl
* Ok
* sun/net/www/protocol/https
* Ok
* sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc
* Ok
* Check that added new files are not different than their 11.0.7
* Ok
* Check if Step 11 adds something out of Step 10 SSL-related categories:
* test/java/security/testlibrary/CertificateBuilder.java
* test/java/security/testlibrary/SimpleOCSPServer.java
* test/sun/security/provider/certpath/ResponderId/ResponderIdTests.java
* Ok, OCSP stapling related. Coming from 8046321 (backported in Step 6
- 8245473). These files are located in a non SSL-related identified
category. For that reason, I separetly verified that no other test in
8046321 is missing.
The following comments are part of this review: [1] [2].
With that said, Step 11 - 8245681 Webrev.04 looks good to me.
[1] -
[2] -
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